
Splatoon 3 Details Two New Special Weapons

Splatoon 3 is currently one of the most anticipated Nintendo games for 2022. The initial trailer was met with a lot of excitement, giving a brief look into some of the multiplayer gameplay. A recent Nintendo Direct then gave fans an extended look into Splatoon 3's new single-player story mode, Return of the Mammalians. This included brand-new locations, returning characters Agent 3, Callie, and Marie, along with showcasing the new Mammal threat.

The Nintendo Direct also showed off some more aspects of the game's multiplayer mode, including the new hub world known as Splatsville. Other multiplayer components shown were some of the new stages and weapons in Splatoon 3, with returning weapons like the Splat Roller having a new sub-weapon. Two brief looks were given to two new special weapons introduced in the game, with some new details and screenshots about them being revealed by Nintendo.

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Special Weapons are powerful tools that are only available by filling up the player's Special Gauge by inking the ground. The first of these new special weapons introduced is a Crab Tank, which was briefly shown in Splatoon 3's reveal trailer as well. This new special weapon is armed with both rapid-fire and wide blast cannon modes. It also gives the player the ability to move around the area in both its crab form and a transforming ball form. This ball form can stick to walls and move around faster than on its crab legs, where it will cover the ground in ink.

The other special weapon that was detailed was also shown off briefly in the recent Splatoon 3 trailer, with an inkling zooming to a wall instantaneously. This one turns the player into a warrior known as the Zipcaster, where they can use their tentacles to stretch out and stick to any wall or surface. This allows them to have greater momentum and disrupt their opponents. This weapon will also conceal the player's identity, where upon depleting their supply of ink, the player will return to where they initiated their transformation.

While these weren't given an in-depth look, it still shows off the creativity and exciting new features that this new game will be bringing. The weapons in Splatoon 3 are crazy, with these being just only a glimpse of what will be introduced. Fans have already pieced together which of these special weapons will be a part of the individual weapon sets, based on what was shown off in the two trailers.

Splatoon 3 is scheduled to release in 2022 for the Nintendo Switch.

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Source: Gamerant