
What Squid Game's Different Masks & Shapes Mean | Screen Rant

Netflix's Squid Game features multiple types of masks with different shapes on them, and each of them has a different meaning for the person's status within the competition. The Korean series follows a group of 456 individuals who agree to play a series of games for a chance to win 45.6 Billion Won. The events of Squid Game primarily follow a small group of characters, namely player 456/Seong Gi-Hun (Lee Jung-Jae) and player 067/Kang Sae-Byeok (Jung Ho-Yeon).

One of the key aspects of Squid Game is the anonymity that comes with the competition. The players originally are only known as the numbers on their jackets, and it isn't until later on that they begin to share details about their lives with each other. However, anonymity is crucial to those who make Squid Game possible. Everyone involved with the organization behind the competition is required to wear masks to conceal their identity, and the penalty of breaking this rule can be death. While everyone in Squid Game who isn't a player must wear a mask, there are different masks that signal the hierarchy of the games.

Related: Squid Game: Biggest Unanswered Questions & Mysteries

The most prominent masks in Squid Game are the masks worn by the workers. The black masks are all the same in shape, but workers have different shapes on their masks to signify rank. The Squid Game hierarchy for these workers gives those with square masks seniority over those with triangles and circles on their masks, with triangle masks then being a step above those with circles. This is highlighted throughout the series as workers are not allowed to talk to their superiors unless first spoken to. The different shapes on Squid Game's worker masks also help clarify which workers do each job. Workers with square shapes oversee the other workers and the players. The triangle shape masks are traditionally the protectors/enforcers and armed with weapons, while the circle shape masks are grunt workers handling cleaning up and disposing of the dead players.

Squid Game's worker masks might be the most common, but they are far from the most important. Higher up on the Squid Game totem pole sits The Front Man, who is easily distinguishable from the rest. Although The Front Man's mask is also black like the Squid Game workers, his design is unique. Instead of having a symbol on a flat mask, The Front Man's mask is designed in a geometric art style. It has a nose, eyes, mouth, and other human facial features to it, although it doesn't show any sign of the person underneath. Like some of the other Squid Game masks, The Front Man's mask also slightly modifies his voice for further protection.

On top of the worker masks and The Front Man's mask, there is also a fancier mask worn by the VIPs in Squid Game. Each of the VIPs has a unique animal-shaped mask that is gold and shiny. These masks largely cover the VIP's face but still allow them to eat and drink without taking them off. Oh Il-nam's mask is slightly different, though, as his bird-themed mask does conceal his entire face. It is also worth noting that the people who serve the VIPs have separate types of masks from the rest of the workers, as these ones allow the eyes to be seen. Considering how strict the operations of Squid Game are, understanding what each of these masks and symbols means can help bring some clarity to the show's events.

More: Squid Game: Why The Old Man Voted No In Episode 2

Source: Screenrant