Why Evil Doctor Strange Can Beat Ultron | Screen Rant

The evil version of Doctor Strange, introduced in Marvel’s What If…? may be one of the few beings who can beat the show's new version of Ultron. What If…? has, until recently, seemed to be an anthology series, exploring the MCU multiverse and showing how the main timeline could have been different if a single detail changed. Some episodes, like Party Thor’s, were quite lighthearted and comedic, but others, like Killmonger’s and Nick Fury’s, were much darker. One of the most tragic installments of What If…? introduced a new version of Stephen Strange, who lost the woman he loves instead of the use of his hands, leading him down a path to villainy. Despite his personal tragedy, however, it's this stronger version of Strange that holds the key to beating the Infinity Stone-wielding Ultron.
The eighth episode of What If…? imagines an apocalyptic scenario in which Ultron obtains the Infinity Stones and wipes out life on Earth and everywhere else in his reality. The stones heighten Ultron’s awareness to the point where he can see other realities and The Watcher. In order to thwart Ultron's quest to destroy all life in the multiverse, the beleaguered Watcher seeks the help of the evil Doctor Strange, trapped in the remnants of his home reality.
Ultron was a powerful antagonist in the main MCU timeline, but nowhere near the scale of the new What If…? version. It was only by acquiring the Infinity Stones that Ultron became aware of The Watcher and began his genocidal rampage. Although Ultron defeated The Watcher in a confrontation, the android’s feats don’t quite compare to that of the evil Doctor Strange. By absorbing the power of multiple cosmic entities, this version of Strange quickly grew to a level of power likely greater than Ultron’s, seeing and interacting with The Watcher without being augmented by the Infinity Stones.

The mainstream iteration of Doctor Strange was invaluable to the defeat of Thanos. By perceiving over 14,000,000 potential timelines, Strange ensured that his timeline was the one where the Mad Titan was defeated, using his magic and pragmatism, instead of brute strength. In his solo outing, the less-experienced Strange defeated Dormammu, a cosmic entity who far outclassed him in strength, by irritating him into submission. This shows that even when lacking in strength, Strange’s ingenuity is often what defeats his opponents. What If...?'s Strange Supreme, however, has comparable, if not greater, strength than Ultron, making his victory over the android all but certain.
Moreover, in addition to augmenting his power through dark magic and the ingestion of various cosmic beings, the evil Doctor Strange also absorbed a benevolent version of himself. This likely made his already-formidable strength even greater. The only thing that thwarted Strange was his attempts to change a fixed point in time, but his tampering only destroyed his reality, leaving him trapped in a prison rather than destroyed.
The final episode of What If…? will feature a new team of heroes, made of the various multiverse protagonists from previous episodes. Still, the evil version of Doctor Strange will certainly be the most formidable opponent to Ultron, and will likely be as instrumental to his defeat as his mainstream counterpart was to Thanos. Evil Doctor Strange was the first person The Watcher sought after his defeat, making him likely the best person to beat Ultron in Marvel’s What If…?
Source: Screenrant
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