
Battlefield 2077 Video Compares 2042 To Cyberpunk | Screen Rant

A video named Battlefield 2077 likens Battlefield 2042's botched launch to that of Cyberpunk 2077 by comparing the former's pre-release footage to the broken release version. Cyberpunk 2077's disastrous December 2020 rollout has come up on more than one occasion in recent weeks, following the controversies surrounding titles such as the newest Battlefield entry and Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - Definitive Edition.

In many respects, the writing was on the wall for Battlefield 2042, especially once players joined the shooter's buggy beta phase a few weeks ago. Developer DICE promised to address many of the reported issues ahead of release; however, the early access period launched with more than its fair share of immersion-breaking errors as well. Rubber banding that resulted in terrible lag plagued early access, as did errors involving graphic hitches, crashes, gameplay hiccups. Battlefield 2042's day one patch only accomplished so much in terms of fixing the myriad problems, leading to Cyberpunk 2077 comparisons that will not soon cease.

Related: Battlefield 2042 Already on Steam's All-Time Worst Reviewed Games List

Over the weekend, YouTuber videogamedunkey edited a three-plus minute video that compares pre-release Battlefield 2042 footage to the final game. The YouTuber cleverly dubbed the video Battlefield 2077, a reference to Cyberpunk 2077's botched release late last year. Footage in Battlefield 2042's marketing trailers highlights an intense experience free from the bugs plaguing the title that just hit store shelves. Instead of epic ground and air battles filled with incoming threats to worry over, the console and PC gameplay on display in videogamedunkey's piece shows the real threats lie in randomly falling helicopters, doors without hinges, floors that spontaneously drop players beneath the game world, and elevators that take elevation a little too seriously.

To be fair, Battlefield 2042 isn't bad enough to warrant a one-to-one comparison to the ongoing Cyberpunk 2077 drama. Retailers aren't altering refund policies to better service crestfallen players, Sony has yet to pull the title from PSN, and there's nothing to suggest that numerous users on last-gen hardware have experienced an unconscionable number of crashes. Still, fans remain rightfully disappointed at the military shooter's current state, which appears most evident in the fact that Battlefield 2042 now sits on Steam's top 100 worst-reviewed games list.

It seems a long road is ahead before the new Battlefield installment reaches its fullest potential. As noted above, a day one patch resolved a few problems, though several more continue to linger. DICE plans to address errors like missing loadouts and vehicle balancing in an update that should go live in the coming weeks.

Next: Battlefield 2042 Will Rename Character Skin Following Controversy

Battlefield 2042 and Cyberpunk 2077 are both available to play now across PC, PlayStation, and Xbox platforms.

Source: videogamedunkey/YouTube

Source: Screenrant