Darth Vader Built His Castle To Exorcise Padmé: Theory Explained

Many Star Wars fans believe that Darth Vader built his castle to resurrect Padmé. This theory would make the most sense if he planned on bringing her back not because he loved her, but so that he could kill her personally. That's because the Sith Lord actually wanted to exorcise his late wife from himself so he could completely embrace the dark side. Evidence refuting the popular belief can be found in Darth Vader's 2017 and 2015 comic series that transpire before and after A New Hope, respectively.
At some point before the construction of his castle on Mustafar, Vader obviously concludes that relationships only serve to weaken one's power because he actually attempts slaughtering two of his Inquisitors once they clearly exhibit signs of love for each other in 2017's Darth Vader #20 by Charles Soule, Giuseppe Camuncoli, Daniele Orlandini, Erick Arciniega, Dono Sanchez-Almara, and Travis Lanham. He first tests his theory by randomly attempting to strike one of them down, and when the other comes to her defense, the Sith Lord reveals his philosophy on relationships before hunting them down mercilessly and killing them.
In the following issue, Palpatine gives his apprentice Padmé's personal shuttle before Vader leaves for Mustafar. As a former husband ostensibly in grieving, Vader treats his late wife's personal possession most peculiarly. During his descent into Mustafar, Vader actually lowers the shields, risking both his and the lives of his passengers as the friction from the planet's atmosphere threatens to burn them all. Vader's intentions become abundantly clear once everyone steps on the planet's surface. Vader wasn't testing his piloting abilities. He was trying to deform Padmé's personal ship. And it works. The entire hull is burnt to a crisp.

Soon Vader's castle is constructed in such a way that will channel enough dark energy to open a gateway to another world so he can resurrect Padmé. How Vader manifests once he crosses the unholy threshold is critical to ascertain his true intent. Throughout the series whenever Vader meditates, he's depicted as a featureless figure with two gaping red eyes and a body filled with dark swirling energy. Vader assumes this same form once he enters this strange realm. There, he confronts and slaughters figures from his past without hesitation. It's only when he reaches Padmé that Vader reverts back to Anakin Skywalker, pleading for her to come with him, but she kills herself instead. This only proves that he attempted and failed to kill her.
Even though it appears that he tries to save her, Vader's past actions indicate that he intends to kill everything in this strange realm, including (or perhaps especially) Padmé. Once Anakin became Vader, he dedicated his entire existence towards strengthening his ties to the dark side. How he reacts upon learning his Inquisitors are in love is proof that Vader believes relationships can weaken one's connection to the Force. He actively endeavors to eliminate all forms of love in the galaxy, as well as his own. The fact that he appears as the form he embodies when he meditates after crossing the threshold is clear that he seeks to eradicate his own attachment to Padmé. Vader reverting back to Anakin just proves he fails in this attempt. Padmé still has a hold on Vader's heart, but luckily for him, she kills herself.
Although he fails on Mustafar, the Sith Lord later gets another chance to kill Padmé in his subconscious mind after A New Hope in 2015's Darth Vader #24 by writer Kieron Gillen, artist Salvador Larroca, colorists Edgar Delgado, and letterer Joe Caramagna. In order to overcome his suit's kill switch engaged by its creator Cylo, Vader destroys what's left of his humanity by going back to when he first Force choked Padmé - and finishes the job. With all of this evidence, it's irrefutable that Darth Vader actually built his castle to rid himself of Padmé. He was just still too in love with Padmé to kill her. It wouldn't be until much later that Darth Vader would finally finish what he set out to do in his castle.
Source: Screenrant
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