
Deathloop: Why The Eternalists Are Digging Through The Wall In Updaam (Morning)

Deathloop is a game based around mystery and intrigue, including many side encounters that seem innocuous at first, like the encounter in Updaam (morning) with two eternalists digging through a wall. This event hints at something desirable being on the other side of that wall. For players wanting to uncover what is hidden, they will have to figure out how to get through it.

Since Deathloop is a game based around time loops and day/night cycles, there are different ways to pick up certain items, like trinkets, weapons, and Slabs, throughout the game. Some items are only available to players during the morning, some during the afternoon, and some during the evening. Players have to figure out the timelines of different events to determine how best to retrieve desirable hidden items.

Related: Deathloop: The Best Trinkets for Each Gun (& Where to Find Them)

While Deathloop weapons like the Sepulchra Breitera sniper rifle require a whole process to retrieve, other items are more straightforward finds. One of the most straightforward finds in the game is the random trinket behind the wall in Updaam. Players must make sure to head toward the trinket during the morning period in Updaam. If players try to retrieve the trinket after noon, the eternalists will have already broken through the wall and taken it. Killing the eternalists can also solve the issue of time in this encounter.

To access the random trinket behind the wall in Updaam in Deathloop, players must first travel to Updaam during the morning of a loop. Once in the Updaam region, players can then locate the wall being broken down by two eternalists. Eventually, the eternalists will break through the wall and acquire the trinket buried inside. Players can either kill the eternalists or leave them alone; either way, the coveted trinket on the other side of the wall is retrievable.

Regardless of whether players have chosen to kill the eternalists with one of the best weapons in the game or spare their lives, there is only one path to the hidden trinket. Colt will need to walk around the bridge to the closed Condition Attachment near the Library. He can drop down the ledge to the left of the Library entrance to find a secret tunnel that leads to a sewer system. He will find the humming trinket at the end of the tunnel.

Because drops are almost always random in Deathloop, Colt may find a new trinket here each time the loop resets. Players can then equip the trinket to gain a new, powerful upgrade for their character or weapon.

More: Deathloop: How to Open The Safe Under The Mansion (Every Clue)

Deathloop is available on PlayStation 5 and PC.

Source: Screenrant