
Doctor Strange's Death Proves He's the One Hero Who Trusted Spider-Man

Warning! Spoilers ahead for The Death of Doctor Strange: Spider-Man #1

In a preview for a new Death of Doctor Strange one-shot, it's revealed that the Sorcerer Supreme is the one hero who trusts Spider-Man no matter what. While Peter Parker's tendency to be self-reliant and isolated from his fellow heroes has led to a general lack of trust, that's not the case for Doctor Strange who's always had the webslinger's back. Now, it looks as though Doctor Strange is looking for Peter's help in the wake of his death, despite the fact that the original Spider-Man is in no condition to help anyone in his current state.

It's no secret that Spider-Man is typically more of a lone wolf than most heroes in the Marvel Universe. This was very much pointed out during the recent King's Ransom event where Spider-Man called on a collection of heroes for help against the Kingpin. While he did receive support from Wolverine, Luke Cage, and more of his former teammates when he was on the New Avengers, Spider-Man was called out on his frequent neglect since then (never answering e-mails or keeping his friendships maintained). As a result, it's become clear that many heroes have a hard time trusting Spider-Man given the distance he's created.

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However, the new preview for The Death of Doctor Strange: Spider-Man #1 from writer Jed MacKay and artist Marcelo Ferreira confirms that Strange has always been there for Spider-Man, always trusting him as a constant ally. While Doctor Strange has done much to help Spider-Man in recent issues of Amazing Spider-Man (such as facing Mephisto to redeem Peter Parker's soul), the time has now come for Spider-Man to help Doctor Strange, who has sent a posthumous message requesting the webslinger's assistance. Here are the preview pages and synopsis for the upcoming issue:

  • (W) Jed MacKay
  • (A) Marcelo Ferreira (CA) Greg Land
  • This ain't Ben Reilly's first rodeo as Spider-Man, but he's never had to deal with the death of the Sorcerer Supreme and what it does to New York City.
  • Part of Strange's will and testament was to ask Spidey to deal with particular problems... Is BEN up to it?
  • Black Cat isn't a big Ben fan, so is she riding shotgun because she owes Strange to keep an eye on Ben, or to sabotage Ben?!

While Peter Parker may be incapacitated in the hospital due to radiation poisoning, it doesn't change the fact that Doctor Strange trusts Spider-Man above anyone else to fulfill his final wishes (whatever they may be). Thankfully, the new Spider-Man Ben Reilly and Felicia Hardy's Black Cat are both present when Strange's astral message appears over the comatose Peter Parker, and the synopsis suggests they'll be working together despite their differences to honor Strange's requests as the original Spider-Man no doubt would if he were able.

It's pretty great that Doctor Strange has always trusted Spider-Man. After all, both were creations of the legendary Steve Ditko, and it's incredibly entertaining when they partner up in the comics. Spider-Man is generally pretty grounded when compared to the supernatural exploits of the Sorcerer Supreme, which makes for a truly dynamic dichotomy of heroes. It's also nice to get the confirmation that their bond of trust is one of the strongest in the Marvel Universe. The Death of Doctor Strange: Spider-Man #1 comes to comic book stores on December 1st.

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Source: Screenrant