
Fear TWD: Why The Stalkers Need The Broken Warhead | Screen Rant


Fear The Walking Dead's new antagonistic group, the Stalkers, has just acquired the broken warhead that did not go off after Teddy launches the nuclear missile. This is seen at the end of season 7, episode 4, "Breathe With Me." This could be what the Stalkers have needed in order to get what they want. It could also make them a far greater threat than previously established.

The Stalkers are introduced in the season 7 premiere, "The Beacon." They are a new group who have apparently formed during the apocalypse in the wake of the nuclear bombing of Texas. Though much is not known beyond them taking the clothes from zombies and being covered in hazmat suits that appear partially makeshift, the Stalkers have been a threat to the survivors, attacking Strand, Will, June, and John Dorie Sr. on separate occasions. Season 7's "Breathe With Me" has Josish interrogate one while helping Sarah find Wendell. At the end of the episode, a Stalker (likely the same one) is seen carrying the broken warhead in his carriage as he reconvenes with the rest of his group.

Related: What Happened To Fear TWD's Helicopter Group After Season 6 - Timeline Explained

With the warhead in their possession, the Stalkers likely intend to use it, with their primary target most certainly being Strand's hotel. While doing so would be incredibly dangerous and reckless, it seems to be their option to use as a last resort seeing as their previous attacks against other survivors have largely been failures. With Strand heavily fortifying his hotel, they may use the warhead as a means to combat this.

As stated, the Stalkers' previous attacks have been ineffective. While the ambush on Strand and Will left the former's men killed by zombies, they still managed to escape and the Stalkers end the attack empty-handed. Likewise, their attempt to take Teddy's bunker from June and John Dorie Sr. ends with the bunker caving in and John killing the three who attacked. To that end, it's apparent that the Stalkers' means of survival is through underhanded tactics and outside forces such as the radioactive zombies at their disposal. The warhead is a similar source, and using it or at least threatening to use it gives them the advantage when trying to take from other groups.

The Stalkers' lack of success has kept them from being considered Fear The Walking Dead season 7's main villains, especially when Strand is gradually establishing himself as such. However, their being in possession of the warhead could change that, especially if their actions lead to it detonating. Ultimately, it's not clear whether they have any real intention of using it or it's all just a bluff. Still, if the warhead detonates, things will be far direr for Morgan and the others than they already are.

Next: FTWD: Was Strand Lying About Wendell? (& Why He Didn't Let Sarah See Him)

Source: Screenrant