
Genshin Impact 2.3’s Biggest Serenitea Pot Changes Explained

With Genshin Impact’s Version 2.3 update – which was released on November 23, 2021 – players will be receiving additions to the private realm of the Serenitea Pot, including replicas of open-world creatures and the long-awaited Paimon Move-In Function. The replicas are made possible by the Omni-Ubiquity Net gadget received from the new event “Bantan Sango Case Files: The Warrior Dog.” As for the Paimon Move-In Function, it is as the name says: Paimon will finally be able to reside in the Serenitea Pot independently of the traveler.

Genshin Impact’s Serenitea Pot system first launched in version 1.5 and was made available through the quest “A Teapot to Call Home.”After meeting the prerequisites of Adventurer Rank 28 and having completed the Main Story Quest up to "Chapter I: Act III: A New Star Approaches," players are rewarded the Serenitea Pot gadget that houses a fully customizable and habitable realm. Players can build and add furnishings, interact with companions, and earn Trust Rank from the Teapot Spirit Tubby to earn different rewards and materials.

Related: Genshin Impact 2.3 Is One Step Closer To Having Pets

The first 2.3 update to the Serenitea Pot is the Omni-Ubiquity Net gadget that grants players the ability to capture certain open-world creatures and place their replicas into their unique Genshin Impact housing realm. In past updates, players would need to speak to Chubby, the Teapot Traveling Salesman, in order to purchase certain animals for their realm. As Chubby only visits the traveler on select days of the week with varying stock, players may have trouble finding a specific type of animal. With the addition of the creature-catching Omni-Ubiquity Net, players will be able to easily increase the unique types of creatures that inhabit the realm, customizing their private abode to fit their personal preferences even further.

Paimon meets the Traveler at the very beginning of the journey when she is saved from a drowning incident via the Traveler’s fishing pole. Though there are theories of Paimon’s mysterious background in Genshin Impact, she has proved herself thus far as the Traveler’s faithful (albeit talkative) companion. Paimon is hardly seen away from the traveler’s side, and she does not appear alone in the open world as both playable and non-playable characters do. Thankfully, she will be able to reside in the player’s Serenitea Pot after the new 2.3 update.

Similar to other invited companions in Genshin Impact, Paimon will be able to offer the player unique dialogue with every visit to the realm. These dialogue options are simple ways to understand characters more deeply, as companions usually respond to their surroundings and gauge whether or not it suits their tastes. Players are able to create Furnishing Sets favored by different companions to increase the likelihood of receiving a gift, and it is likely that Paimon will have similar capabilities.

Though not stated in Genshin Impact’s 2.3 Livestream, the addition of Paimon prompts the consideration of her possible Friendship Level and if players will be able to unlock hidden lore and character details by obtaining Companionship EXP. Since this is possible for every other Serenitea Pot companion, Paimon may be able to tell players more about her past. Paimon will be joining the Serenitea Pot in Genshin Impact version 2.3.

Next: Genshin Impact: Companion Move-In & Trust Ranks Explained

Source: Screenrant