
Taylor Handley Interview: Mayor of Kingstown | Screen Rant

Mayor of Kingstown, premiering November 14 on Paramount Network and streaming on Paramount+, is a crime thriller from the mind of Taylor Sheridan (Yellowstone). It follows the McLusky family, who reigns over a town whose main business is incarceration.

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Taylor Handley plays Kyle, the only member of his family to work for the police force. The actor spoke with Screen Rant about what to expect from his character and how tangled the family dynamics get. 

Screen Rant: There's a great line in this that says, "We don't break the law, we bend it to make peace for everybody." There's a moral gray area that Kyle's brothers operate in, making them feel noble. Can you talk to me about the relationship between his brothers, Mitch (Kyle Chandler) and Mike (Jeremy Renner), and the difference between both of those relationships?

Taylor Handley: That's such a great quote because we're not breaking the law, we are bending it, but why are you bending it? My two brothers, why are you bending it in this town that is essentially on the verge of implosion? Well, it's like defending everything you've ever known, no matter how good or bad it is. If Mitch and Mike do not do what they do, the town is going to crumble.

What's going to be of all of the citizens who are there, good or bad? Is it a fool's errand? That's for the audience to decipher for themselves. As far as the relationships between Kyle, Mitch, and Mike. Fortunately, I have that personal experience, I am the youngest of three brothers. It's really not that far off. It's like, you love your brothers, sometimes you hate your brothers, sometimes you get frustrated. I shouldn't say hate because you might dislike them, but you're always going to love them. You're always going to back them up, and that's what Kyle does.

It seems that Miriam, who is your mom on the show played by Dianne Wiest, is holding out hope for Kyle. Does she think that Kyle's going to end up getting mixed up deeper with both Mitch and Mike?

Taylor Handley: I believe that that is Miriam's fear. She sees and knows that Mitch and Mike have all already gone to essentially the dark side, right? Like have gone over to working in this gray area, and Kyle has this opportunity at the beginning of the season to go work for the State Troopers, and so she is constantly reminding him, "Hey, you know what this town and what this job does to your family members" having a father who met his demise, working in the same business as Mitch and Mike. "You know what happens to people who stay here and live in this town, go be free, go have a life out there." She's constantly on him about it. The thing about it is that she hasn't left herself, and for Kyle, it's not so easy to just leave everything you've ever known. Leave all your family, leave all your friends.

Any person in their right mind would leave immediately. They wouldn't spend five more minutes in Kingstown, but the fear of the unknown is what's keeping him in town. Also, I think the idea that we can save this town? Even though it seems like a mountain to climb, I think that there's still that ideal within the brothers. There's another quote, "We fight this fight every day."

What did you want to bring to the role of Kyle that wasn't necessarily on the page?

Taylor Handley: Gosh, that's tough because Taylor Sheridan has done such a fantastic job at creating this world and creating these characters for me as an actor, I find my character in the dialogue and in the action, and so Taylor had laid it out, just so expertly. He laid it out there and really any blanks that I had to fill in, they were always there, I just found them and brought them to life. I think Taylor just knows this town in and out. He's been sitting with it for 10 years,  so him trusting me to bring that out and the character it's truly an honor.

Next: Hugh Dillon & Tobi Bamtefa Interview: Mayor of Kingstown

Mayor of Kingstown premieres November 14 on Paramount+.

Source: Screenrant