10 Side Quests In Every Open World Game | Screen Rant
There's an inevitable moment in every open world game where the player wanders off the beaten track into the vast valley of side quests. A lot of these add to the game's story, offering additional insight and deepening the protagonist's relationships with other characters.
However, there are the inevitable "filler" side quests that are predominantly used for level grinding or padding out the game's runtime. Certain types of filler quests show up constantly across the open world sphere, no matter the genre or console, and quickly become tedious and repetitive for the player.

An NPC has found a map showing armor or a sought-after weapon is nearby, and they need the player's help to retrieve it.
These quests can be a great way to level up the protagonist's gear, but only if found at the right time. In scaleable open world games, these are handy little side quests. However, in ones where there are set levels for quests and gear, if the player doesn't set out at the right time, it becomes a pointless endeavor.

This NPC is waiting for an important letter or item from a nearby friend or family member, but for whatever reason are unable to retrieve it themselves. They'll ask the player to go and get it for them instead, in exchange for a small amount of money.
These quests are usually not worth the time they take to complete them but can be nice ways to add extra life to the open world.

This is the flip side of the "fetch this" quest. This NPC has a letter or gift they need to deliver ASAP and requires the player's help to do it.
Typically, these quests involve going back in the direction the gamer just came from. They have very low-level rewards (usually a few pieces of the local currency) and exist for no other reason than to pad a game's run time.

This NPC is usually a villager who requires animal meat, skins, or fur, or is simply fed up with the local wildlife. They'll ask the protagonist to kill a nearby herd in return for a cut of the profit.
Early on in the game, this can be a good way for the player to get a handle on their combat skills and different weapons. But as this quest continues to reappear throughout the game, it steadily becomes more tedious.

In Borderlands 3, it's delivering hamburgers, in Witcher 3, it's winning a horse race, and in Metal Gear Solid 5, it's destroying tanks.
No matter the open world, there is always a timed side quest that does nothing other than cause the player deep frustration when they don't complete it within the time limit. These aren't "one and done" type quests, though, and are usually available to keep trying, no matter how many times the player fails the mission.

Regardless of the universe, time period, or post-apocalyptic wasteland a player might find themselves in, there is always someone desperately trying to find a missing relative or lover. They're either worried or annoyed and couldn't possibly move from the spot they're rooted at to go look themselves and so appeal to the main character to go look for them.
Usually, the poor hapless individual is either dead, injured, or trapped not too far from the quest giver, so it at least doesn't take too much time to complete.

The poor planning of this NPC means they find themselves without a companion on a dangerous journey. But luckily, the main character has just ridden into town and will help in exchange for some of the local currency.
This quest is frustrating because the NPC travels with the player, and often gamers find themselves running and stopping multiple times to allow their companion to catch up.

This directive is usually either given by an NPC or a message board in the town the player has just passed through. The "destroy the enemy" quest is often brought up by someone who has suffered at the hands of the local battalion. So, they ask the protagonist to attack nearby enemy barracks and occasionally destroy something in the process.
While these quests can be a fun distraction and a good way to level up skills, they have no impact on the story and quickly become tedious and repetitive.

This NPC is in trouble. They've got a broken down wagon or maybe a damaged piece of equipment that means they can't do their job as a blacksmith or armorer. They will ask the protagonist for help gathering items to fix whatever's broken.
These quests usually involve searching several areas for a specific plant, stone, or lost gear to complete the mission. They're not always easy to find and can involve a lot of running in circles over the highlighted piece of the map. The reward is usually not too great either, leaving the player frustrated over the time wasted completing this side quest.

Usually, the "something" terrorizing the nearby village, camp, or settlement is either a group of bandits, a giant beast, or a mythological creature. In open worlds, players will come across a villager with a tale of woe about how successful they used to be before something moved nearby to ruin it all.
Now, no one dares to leave because someone who ventured out a few nights ago was never seen again. They'll ask the protagonist for help, sweetening the deal by offering money or supplies. When completing this mission, the player may also come across the bodies of the missing NPCs.
Source: Screenrant
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