Darth Vader: Padmé Amidala Has A Major Connection To Crimson Dawn

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Darth Vader #18
In the latest issue of Marvel Comics' Darth Vader series, it's revealed that the Dark Lord of the Sith's former wife Padmé Amidala has a connection to the new criminal organization Crimson Dawn. Having been reborn under the command of Solo's Lady Qi'ra, Crimson Dawn has made it their mission to upset the balance of power in the galaxy, particularly when it comes to the Empire and its Sith rulers. However, while Vader has been tasked with hunting them down and eradicating the Dawn, it looks as though a ghost from his and Padmé's shared past will return to face the Dark Lord during his crusade.
In Darth Vader #18 from writer Greg Pak and artist Leonard Kirk, Vader has begun his new mission to take down every level of Crimson Dawn and its numerous agents who have infiltrated some of the most powerful organizations in the galaxy (including the Empire itself). While Vader would prefer to continue the hunt for his wayward Jedi son Luke Skywalker, Vader was ordered to go after the Dawn by the Emperor himself. Now, Vader has allied himself with freedom fighters looking to take the criminal organization down as well. Due to their ignorance about who Vader really is, the Dark Lord is seen as a hero and a powerful new member joining their cause.
Meanwhile, the end of the issue reveals the ruins of Polis Massa, the medical facility housed within an asteroid field where Padmé gave birth to Luke and Leia at the end of Revenge of the Sith. However, previous issues of Darth Vader saw the Dark Lord visiting the facility and witnessing a recording of his wife's last words where she confirmed her belief that there was still good in Vader. Now, a mysterious figure is seen watching the same recording in this new issue. Eventually, this agent takes off her helmet and reveals herself to be Sabé, Padmé Amidala's most trusted handmaiden also known as the Queen's Shadow. While it seemed as though she had been killed by Vader along with the rest of the Order of the Amidalans who had assembled to seek vengeance for Padmé's death, Darth Vader #18 sees her alive and well. Furthermore, she's surprisingly marked as an agent of Crimson Dawn.

Interestingly enough, Sabé and the Amidalans were under the impression that Vader had killed Anakin Skywalker right along with Padmé. Seeing as how Vader has long perceived Anakin Skywalker as a separate being he destroyed when he joined the dark side, he did little to correct Sabe's assumption when they last spoke. However, it seems as though the former handmaiden now has a clearer picture of who the man under the imposing black mask really is (thanks to the recording). It's also likely that that's why she told Vader's discarded investigator droid that she wasn't sure what she'll do when and if she finds the Dark Lord.
Coupled with her apparent allegiance to Crimson Dawn, the return of Sabé will likely surprise and catch Darth Vader off guard, and she'll no doubt be quite the wild card as his crusade continues. Knowing what she now knows, will Sabé try and speak with the Dark Lord about what really happened and who he once was, or will she still try and eliminate him? The possibility also exists that she'll become his ally and infiltrate Crimson Dawn on his behalf. Whatever happens, the concept that Padmé's most trusted handmaiden became a member of Crimson Dawn is incredibly exciting as she prepares to face Darth Vader once more.
Source: Screenrant
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