
FF7 Remake Mod Makes Aerith's Iconic Steel Chair A Permanent Weapon

A new PC fan mod for Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade lets Aerith take on the forces of ShinRa with the most dangerous weapon of all: a steel chair. The long-awaited current-gen remaster of the iconic FF7 Remake released on the Epic Games Store earlier this month, allowing PC owners to experience the adventure while paving the way for dedicated fans to modify Final Fantasy VII Remake as they have with many games in the past.  

Released for the PlayStation 4 last year, the first installment in the Final Fantasy VII Remake series retells the opening chapters of the original game, taking place primarily in the dingy cyberpunk city of Midgar. This includes the infamous section of the original game where Tifa is abducted by the slimy crime boss Don Corneo, prompting Cloud to dress up as a woman to rescue her at the Honey Bee Inn following a memorable musical number. Cloud and Aerith are soon separated, leading to a moment where Aerith and Tifa fend off a squad of Corneo’s cronies. While Tifa subdues the thugs with her usual martial arts skills, Aerith opts for a more straightforward approach and bashes one in the head with a steel chair. Seeing the normally-kind-hearted flower girl pull a wrestling-like move has been a memorable moment for fans, who gave her the affectionate nickname “Chaerith” as her chair-swinging antics became a minor Final Fantasy internet meme.

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NexusMods user Crandifff recently posted a new Final Fantasy VII Remake mod appropriately named Chaerith (via GamesRadar). As the title suggests, this mod dresses Aerith in the red dress she wears during the Honey Bee Inn rescue mission, and replaces her signature staff weapon with a steel chair. No matter what players equip Aerith with or what Materia they use, she will always carry around her trusty folded seat to fend off any enemies that come in her path.

Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade for the PC contains both the base Final Fantasy VII and its Yuffie-centric Intermission expansion. Reception to the Final Fantasy VII Remake PC port has been mixed, with reports of poor optimization in comparison to the original version on PS4 and PS5. Meanwhile, Square Enix is remaining quiet about on the next installment of Final Fantasy VII Remake, with rumors suggesting that it won’t release until 2023 at the earliest. Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 2 will likely be much larger than its predecessor, seeing how its plot will feature Cloud and his friends departing from Midgar to track down the villainous rogue SOLDIER Sephiroth.   

One of the many aspects fans praise Final Fantasy VII Remake for is how it restores Aerith’s original spunky personality, which many fans felt was lost, as later Final Fantasy VII expanded universe media, like Advent Children and Crisis Core, focused more on her pure-hearted nature. This is demonstrated with her use of a steel chair to take down a goon at the FF7 Remake's Honey Bee Inn, something that PC owners can unleash on any foe they wish thanks to Crandifff’s new mod for Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade.

Next: PS Plus Version of FF7 Remake Is Getting a Free PS5 Upgrade

Source: NexusMods (via GameRadar)

Source: Screenrant