
Pokémon BDSP: Where To Find The Friendship Checker (& What It Does)

The Friendship Checker is a valuable app for players looking to complete their collection by evolving Pokémon in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. The Pokémon series has always been about building bonds with magical creatures and seeing what adventures were possible thanks to this bond. In the games, including Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, a handful of Pokémon can only evolve if their friendship has been maxed out. This is a hidden stat Pokémon BDSP players cannot measure until they receive the Friendship Checker.

The Friendship Checker is an additional app as part of the Pokétch. Once players unlock the Poketch in Pokémon BDSP, they are able to bring up a secondary window with different features. It includes a calculator, watch, map, and tons of other apps for players to use during their journey. Players can also unlock more apps as they interact with a variety of NPCs in Sinnoh.

Related: Pokémon BDSP: How To Get All Gen 1 To Gen 4 Starters

To unlock the Friendship Checker, players will need to make their way to Eterna City. This is the area where players face Gym Leader Gardenia to collect their second badge. Inside this city's Pokémon Center, there will be a woman with long brown hair. Players should speak with her, and she will give them the Friendship Checker.

To open the Friendship Checker on the Pokémon BDSP Pokétch, players can bring up the watch using the R button and cycle through the list until they see a screen where Pokémon are flying around. If players select a Pokémon on this screen, a certain number of hearts will display. The more hearts, the higher the friendship is between the trainer and Pokémon.

Players looking to obtain evolutions of these Pokémon will need to max out friendship:

  • Azurill
  • Budew
  • Cleffa
  • Eevee
  • Munchlax
  • Pichu
  • Riolu
  • Togepi

Many of these Pokémon made their debut in this generation. For example, players looking to find and capture a Riolu and Lucario will need to find the egg in Iron Island. Once the egg hatches, players can then raise their friendship with Riolu to eventually evolve it into Lucario.

There are tons of different ways to raise a Pokémon's friendship level. These include:

  • Do not let the Pokémon faint.
  • Feed the Pokémon Poffins.
  • Feed the Pokémon vitamin items like Zinc and Iron.
  • Give the Pokémon a massage in Veilstone City.
  • Give the Pokémon the Soothe Bell Item. This item will increase friendship faster.
  • Set it as the first Pokémon in the party.
  • Use items on the Pokémon.
  • Win battles with the Pokémon.

The Friendship Checker in Pokémon BDSP makes it easier to keep track of all Pokémon. The ability to evolve Pokémon will help players complete their National Dex and unlock the Shiny Charm, one of the most difficult things to do in the game.

More: Pokémon BDSP: How To Find (& Catch) Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza

Pokémon BDSP is available now on Nintendo Switch.

Source: Screenrant