Pokémon Streamer Faked A 1-in-16 Million Chance Shiny Encounter

KyleAye, a Pokémon streamer and YouTuber, admitted to faking a 1-in-16 million chance Shiny encounter in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, likely disappointing his fans. Shiny hunting in Pokémon games is an extremely difficult pastime, relying heavily on patience and luck to pull off. Shiny Pokémon have a 1/4096 chance to be encountered, making finding one – especially Shiny starters – very rare. And while there are tricks to finding Shiny Pokémon in later parts of the game - like utilizing a Poké Radar - these methods are unavailable at the beginning of the game, which means scoring the color variation for starter Pokémon is even more challenging. Some players employ farming tactics like resetting their game, while others simply leave it up to chance.
Last week, Twitch streamer MitchOG had incredible luck on his Shiny hunt, having found an extremely rare double Shiny Pokémon encounter. The lucky score occurred three and a half hours into MitchOG’s stream, in which the Pokémon streamer stumbled upon a Shiny version of Turtwig at the same time that his wild Starly appeared as Shiny. The double Shiny encounter is a 1-in-16 million chance and MitchOG found some quick clout with his once-in-a-lifetime find. Before the excitement died down, Twitch streamer and YouTuber KyleAye posted a now-removed video in which he also bumped into a Shiny starter and a Shiny Starly at the same time. KyleAye’s video, however, was quickly thrown under the bus, with many Twitter users questioning the validity of the encounter.
According to Dexerto, the Pokémon streamer has since admitted to faking the 1-in-16 million chance Shiny encounter, having come forward on his private Discord with an apology. KyleAye deleted the tweets, YouTube video, and Twitch VODs that documented the fake Pokémon encounter, and confirmed in his apology that “the double shiny was fake.” KyleAye used a mod code on his Switch to make the double Shiny encounter a lot more common, but he claimed he didn’t have malicious intent. He also pointed out that many fans might want to believe it was fake, stating that he “can’t imagine how I would feel if it was real because I would still be receiving all of these hate tweets.”

KyleAye raised an interesting point about Shiny hunting in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. Many Pokémon streamers have commented on the difficulty to prove Shiny encounters, and claim that no matter how much evidence is provided, some viewers will always question the validity of certain rare encounters, such as extremely rare Pokémon trading card pulls or Shiny encounters.
KyleAye’s actions have likely disappointed many of his fans. Future encounters may be doubted, making it more challenging to gain clout from actual successes. Considering how much grind goes into finding Shiny Pokémon in games like Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, this can be a difficult thing to reckon with.
Source: Dexerto
Source: Screenrant
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