
RHOC: Noella & Estranged Ex Argue Over Events Leading To Their Split

Noella Bergener joined the cast of Real Housewives of Orange County this season singing the praises of her husband, attorney "Sweet James" Bergener. Shockingly, however, things had completely changed by the third episode in which she tearfully revealed that her husband had disappeared without any explanation or warning.

Viewers first met Noella when she appeared on RHOC as "a friend offormer cast member, Braunwyn Windham-Burke. In her first couple of episodes as a full-time cast member, Bergener portrayed her marriage to her "best friend" James as nothing short of idyllic, and with zero hint of any trouble on the horizon. Soon, however, she revealed that they are at odds over how to handle some debt (several million dollars) that she's recently become aware of; she believes that the situation can be cleared up quickly by the sale of a home they own in Puerto Rico, and James (inexplicably) doesn't want to sell it. Things go downhill quickly when she ultimately discloses that their debt is far worse than she knew, and that James has disappeared to parts unknown. Indicating that she has no idea of his whereabouts or why he left, Noella becomes emotional during a confessional and subsequently worries about what will happen to her and the toddler they share.

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Radar Online shared a report about the dueling spouses and how they've both taken to social media to divulge their versions of events. In his series of Instagram videos, James Bergener talks about "losing himself" during his marriage, his love for his autistic son James Jr., and his wish for Noella's happiness. He flatly disputes that he has abandoned them financially, and sites specific dollar amounts he's spent on housing, home goods and treatments for their son. In her own Instagram post, Noella Bergener offers a laundry list of responses to all of James' "lies," as she sees them. In her version, James has cut them off financially and, despite being "in and out of OC multiple times in the past 5 months," has not seen his child once.

Noella and James are both steadfast in their versions of events. Noella's Real Housewives Of Orange County confessional, in which she addresses the situation, is very emotional. Her confusion about her marriage's current status and apparent demise is palpable. She comes across heartbroken and sincere. James' videos are equally heart-wrenching as he expresses his love and devotion to his son. He appears to be holding back his own tears as he describes his overwhelming experience of becoming a father. Noella's latest post indicates that the two are back in touch and James' post exhibits a seemingly genuine desire to figure out a workable custody arrangement for their son. Fortunately, it looks like the Bergeners are invested in making an effort to move forward - if only for the benefit of their son.

Source:  Radar OnlineJames Bergener/Instagram, Noella Bergener/Instagram

Next:  RHOC:  Noella Reveals True Feelings About Heather Dubrow's Accusations

Source: Screenrant