
Star Wars: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Darth Maul, According To Ranker

First introduced in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, Darth Maul captured the inerest of fans everywhere and was an important silver lining for a film that was critically panned. Maul’s unique character design, interesting dual-bladed lightsaber, and mysterious demeanor made him an immediate favorite among Star Wars fans.

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Fast forward over two decades later and he is still a pop culture phenomenon, as audiences of all ages still don Darth Maul merchandise, buy replicas of his lightsaber, and even wear his iconic face paint in public. While he has retained a big public image in the years since his debut, the fans at Ranker have gotten together to vote on the most little-known facts about Darth Maul.

10 Maul Used The Force Much More After Losing To Obi-Wan

For those who have only seen Maul’s singular film appearance in The Phantom Menace, it may come as a surprise that he is also a prolific force-wielder. Maul only employed the use of his lightsaber during his battle against Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, dominating the flow of the fight even without using his extensive capabilities in the force.

Following his defeat on Naboo, Maul turned towards the force much more heavily later in life. He repeatedly uses the force to push and grip his opponents, even against powerful opponents such as Obi-Wan, Bo Katan, and the Seventh Sister. 

9 The Iconic Face Paint Was Based On Rorschach Paintings

It’s hard to say if Maul would have been such a smash hit with the fans had he not been given such an alluring character design. While his unconventional dual-bladed lightsaber was one of the most interesting weapons in Star Wars, Maul's face paint is easily his most captivating characteristic.

George Lucas described Maul as a character that should look like “a figure from your worst nightmare,” and it’s clear designer Iain McCraig passed that test with flying colors. McCraig was inspired by the infamous ink splatters used in the Rorschach test. This is a tried and true method in character design and really helped reinforce the imposing presence that is Darth Maul.

8 Maul Was Kidnapped By Palpatine

Maul’s affiliation with the Sith and tutelage under Darth Sidious is no secret, but the origins of his training are something most fans are unaware of. While it's a fact that's never mentioned in the Star Wars films, the comics show that Sidious actually raised Maul to become a powerful Sith Lord since he was a child.

Sidious helped foster the hate inside of Maul, molding him into the perfect weapon designed to eventually assist in taking down the Jedi Order. This relationship is particularly interesting because it serves as a direct contrast to the relatively healthy pairings between Jedi Masters and their padawan. 

7 His Hatred Had Effectively Wiped His Memory

These days, most Star Wars fans are aware that Darth Maul would go on to survive his apparent death at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi in The Phantom Menace. Given his roles in Solo: A Star Wars Story and both animated Star Wars series, Maul has been hard to miss.

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What many fans don’t realize, however, is that Maul had all but lost his mind fighting for survival on the junkyard planet of Lotho Minor. The only thoughts that crossed his brain were his lust for vengeance against Kenobi and the Jedi Order, to the point where he could no longer even recognize his brother Savage Opress.

6 Maul Built A Crime Syndicate Known As The Shadow Collective

While Maul is a character filled with hatred for the Jedi, it’s not the sort to be poisoned by blind rage. He is a very calculative character and became a wise decision-maker after his own hubris proved to be his own downfall on Naboo.

While pursuing revenge against Kenobi, many fans don’t know that Maul actually teamed up with Pre Vizsla and the notorious Mandalorian group known as Death Watch. Maul, Opress, and the Mandalorians teamed up to form The Shadow Collective. While the two sides would never fully trust each other, they’d make a pairing formidable enough to overthrow the Mandalorian government. 

5 Maul Survived Through Sheer Hatred And Nightsister Magick

Trained in the dark arts of the Sith and granted enhanced physiological boons due to his Dathomirian heritage, Maul was durable enough to survive being cut in half at the hands of Kenobi. While some fans have unpopular opinions about Maul's return from the dead, he manifested his hatred so intensely that he was able to live through his egregious wounds and plot his revenge.

But even with his severe hatred and force abilities, it’s unlikely that Maul would have ever recuperated from the ordeal if not for Nightsister Magicks. Mother Talzin imbued Maul with spells to help restore his sanity, while also granting him a functioning pair of legs that would allow Maul to seek his vengeance.

4 Obi-Wan Kenobi Gave Maul A Funeral On Tatooine

Given that the two warriors seemed to have intertwined fates, it’s only fitting that Maul’s final battle should come against his greatest nemesis, Obi-Wan Kenobi. After managing to deduce why Kenobi was living in isolation, their battle would prove to be a short confrontation, yet still one of Maul's greatest ever lightsaber duels

He would finally meet his end here, as Kenobi had to kill Maul to protect a young Luke Skywalker. However, Obi-Wan would still honor his long-time adversary by giving him a proper burial on Tatooine — the same planet Maul first appeared in The Phantom Menace.

3 Sidious Forced Maul To Experience Visions Of The Past

Diving deep into the ancient history of the Star Wars universe, there once was a great battle between the Jedi and Sith that took place on a planet named Malachor. Sidious prompted Maul to witness visions of the battle, forcing his apprentice to suffer the pain of being struck down by Jedi lightsabers over and over again.

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This experience from the comics further helped fuel Maul’s hatred for the Jedi, and he clung to this memory as he grew further in his training. This planet would go on to become an important part of Maul’s life, as he’d one day return to Malachor and meet and take an interest in Ezra Bridger. 

2 He’s The Son Of A Witch, Mother Talzin

While his brother was a powerful servant of the dark side of the force, Opress was not the most dangerous immediate family member of Maul’s. That title would go to Mother Talzin, the clan leader of Dathomir’s force-sensitive Nightsisters. Talzin exchanged her arcane knowledge and Nightsister magicks with Darth Sidious in a mutual effort to bring an end to the Jedi. 

She expected to be trained as Sidious’ pupil but was betrayed when Palpatine kidnapped Maul and raised him up in her place. Talzin would go on to spend the rest of her life seeking revenge against the Sith and playing an immensely important role in Maul’s life, including repairing the psychological damage left by his defeat on Naboo.

1 Maul Was One Of The Deadliest Sith Ever

While never becoming a true Sith Lord — as Sidious took on Anakin Skywalker as his true apprentice — Maul was certainly one of the most powerful members in the history of the Sith. His dominance with the lightsaber made him a fearsome combatant capable of killing Jedi Masters and Mandalorian warlords like Qui-Gon Jinn and Pre Vizsla.

Maul’s reputation eventually grew to the point where even someone as powerful as Sidious had considered him a rival. Sidious was incapable of defeating his former student with his lightsaber and had to resort to using his superior force abilities. Had Maul continued his training under Sidious, he may have better developed his force powers and possibly become one of the strongest Sith in Star Wars history.

NEXT: Maul's 5 Greatest Allies In Star Wars (& His 5 Best Rivalries)

Source: Screenrant