
The Batman: Zoë Kravitz Grew Out Her Nails For Catwoman's Claws

The Batman will follow the titular Dark Knight in his early days of fighting crime in Gotham City as he pursues The Riddler and teams up with Catwoman along the way. The film will be directed by Matt Reeves, known for Cloverfield and the most recent Planet of the Apes films after previous director and star Ben Affleck stepped down from the role after playing the character in Batman vs. Superman and Justice LeagueThe Batman features no connection to the larger DCEU due to the recasting of characters and the stand-alone tone of the marketing.

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In an interview with Buzzfeed, Kravitz talks about the intensely collaborative nature of the project, saying that Reeves has been very receptive to her interpretation of the character. She talks about having the idea to grow out her nails during the opening months of the COVID-19 lockdown due to the lack of availability of manicure services, thinking it would fit Catwoman's backstory. She mentions then calling Reeves and receiving his blessing to grow her own sort of "claws" for the Catwoman character, giving it a more unpolished and natural look. Read her full quote below:

It was an extremely collaborative process — in all the ways, in terms of the character and how she looked and what she was wearing...our costume designer came to New York a week after I got the part to meet me and measure me and start the conversation about Catwoman. Matt [Reeves] is an extremely collaborative filmmaker who likes to get to know the person playing the character, so I didn't have to fight for anything — it was designed that way. We developed the costume together as a team, and actually, the nails weren't originally planned. We shot two months before quarantine and everything shut down, so in that time, I started to grow my nails out because we couldn't get manicures and then I had this idea to take it further...so I called Matt and was like, I have this idea, we should do crazy, bitchy, wonderful scary nails that looked like claws. No nail polish on them, so they looked more like claws, and we were able to incorporate it last minute.

The Batman will also star Jeffrey Wright, Andy Serkis, Colin Farrell, and John Turturro, rounding out the already notable talent behind the project. Filming wrapped in March 2021 after multiple production delays, shooting scenes in England, and Chicago, where Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight trilogy was shot. The film is set to be released on March 4, 2022, and released on HBO Max 45 days after its opening in theaters.

Reeves has made the right decision with letting The Batman exist outside of larger DCEU continuity, not weighing him down with the obligation to set up more films, a practice that everyone outside of the MCU has done poorly. Reeves' The Batman should be more in the vein of Nolan's trilogy, drawing on its source material for inspiration but allowing it to stand on its own as a film. With Reeves' success with blockbusters in the past and the strong cast behind it, The Batman should shape up to be a treat for superhero fans everywhere.

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Source: Buzzfeed

Source: Screenrant