10 Most Romantic Disney Quotes | Screen Rant
One of the major themes in Disney movies is romantic love. Whether it's the fairy-tale theme of "love at first sight," romance blossoming through the course of the movie, or two disparate souls being thrown together, Disney boasts some of the most iconic romantic couples in popular culture.
But it's not just the couples themselves who are famous; Disney also had myriad memorable romantic quotes (some of which can be found in their many love songs.) These quotes not only show love and dedication but also growth within the character.

Flynn Rider is the dashing rogue thief from Tangled. Originally only planning on getting Rapunzel to see the lights to get his stolen tiara back, Flynn and Rapunzel gradually fall in love during their journey to the kingdom.
Flynn says this quote to Rapunzel after Mother Gothel fatally stabs him. It's a very romantic sentiment as it shows not only how much Flynn loves Rapunzel but how much he has grown as a person. At first, Flynn only had dreams to become wealthy, but his love for Rapunzel made him a more selfless and caring person. This is why Flynn's line is one of the most romantic quotes from a Disney prince.

Hercules' main mission is to become a true hero in order to rejoin the gods on Mount Olympus. Along the way, he meets Meg and is instantly smitten. Meg is initially uninterested but after spending time with Hercules, she also falls for him.
After their day out "playing hooky", Hercules tells Meg, "When I'm with you... I don't feel so alone." This is not only a very romantic quote but also a step towards Hercules' own personal quest to find where he belongs. Ultimately, it is his love for Meg that not only helps him become a true hero but also find his place in the world.

In the beloved Pixar franchise, Toy Story 2 introduced cowgirl doll Jessie, whom it was hinted that Buzz Lightyear had feelings for. Their relationship is given more depth in the follow-up movie Toy Story 3.
In one of the film's funniest moments, Buzz not only has his memory reset but is also accidentally put into Spanish mode. So when he first lays eyes on Jessie, it's like something out of a cheesy romantic movie and his dance moves in an attempt to woo her are hilarious. However, his line sounds very romantic, not only because of the poetic content but it's spoken in Spanish, which is considered one of the most romantic languages.

Beauty and the Beast is one of Disney's most popular love stories, thanks in large part to the enchanting ballroom scene. The couple's iconic outfits and the lovely titular song sung by Angela Lansbury remain timeless to this day.
But it is the start of their romance that should be noted. After the Beast rescues Belle from a pack of wolves, and she thanks him with kindness by nursing his wounds, he begins developing feelings for her and asks Lumiere and Cogsworth for advice. This quote signifies a key turning point for the Beast's character arc. Before he was cold and selfish, but his newfound feelings for Belle have begun to warm him. The moment he gifts Belle his library is a popular scene for Disney fans and bookworms everywhere.

Disney has a vast number of love songs in its collection, all of which are beloved in their own right. And arguably one of the most romantic Disney songs of all time is "Bella Notte" from Lady and the Tramp.
In one of the most iconic Disney scenes ever, Lady and Tramp enjoy a plateful of spaghetti and meatballs while being serenaded by chefs Tony and Joe. The scene shifts into a magically animated sequence, with the song continuing in the background. It's a beautiful moment in the movie, with "Bella Notte" enchanting even the most cynical viewers.

Pete's Dragon is a live-action/animation hybrid movie that centers on a boy named Pete and his best friend, a sweet dragon named Elliot. Escaping from his abusive foster family, Pete is taken in by the lighthouse keeper's daughter Nora.
Nora is waiting for her fiancé Paul to come home from a sea voyage, even though everyone believes he has been lost at sea for some time. Her song "Candle on the Water" is a gentle yet beautiful song of love, faith, and hope, and one of the most heartfelt moments in the movie. It is thanks to Elliot that Paul is able to return safely and be reunited with Nora.

The Nightmare Before Christmas is a stop-motion gothic fantasy telling the story of Jack Skellington's Christmas takeover. A beloved cult classic for many, Jack Skellington and ragdoll Sally have become an iconic couple in goth popular culture.
Sally pines for Jack and sympathizes with him from afar, and Jack soon returns the affection after she tries to help him. In the final moments of the movie, Jack and Sally profess their love for one another in a final musical number, ending the movie on the now-iconic line, "We're simply meant to be." The scene and the quote are simple yet very powerful and romantic, and it ranks among Jack Skellington's best quotes.

One of the most iconic love songs in Disney history is "A Whole New World" from Aladdin. It is not only because of the song itself but the magical animation that accompanies it as Aladdin and Jasmine share a magic carpet ride around the world.
While Aladdin falls in love with Jasmine at first sight, what makes Jasmine return his affections is realizing how much they have in common. After a rough start meeting "Prince Ali," Jasmine warms to him when she catches glimmers of Aladdin's true nature, and the two fall in love during "A Whole New World." It's a magical and romantic scene, and this lyric encapsulates it perfectly.

Not only is Ray the firefly a hopeless romantic in The Princess and th Frog, but he is in love with the evening star, Evangeline, who becomes somewhat of a romantic metaphor throughout the movie.
Before his experiences as a frog, Prince Naveen was a spoiled and self-absorbed prince who only intended to marry for money. But he and Tiana soon fall in love and Naveen decides to do whatever it takes to make Tiana's dreams of owning a restaurant come true because "she is my Evangeline." This is not only a quote of real romance but also a sign of maturity and growth for Naveen, and one of the best quotes in The Princess and the Frog.

Meg broke the boundaries of the typical Disney heroine by being in love before the main hero, which is Hercules in this case. She sold her soul to Hades to bring her boyfriend back from the dead, only for him to run off with another woman and leave Meg bound to serve Hades. Meg has been skeptical of men and love ever since.
But once she spends time with Hercules and gets to know him, she falls for him. As a result, Meg sacrifices herself to give Hercules his strength back, her dying words being "People always do crazy things... when they're in love." Meg helped Hercules find his place in the world and in turn, Hercules reopened Meg's heart to trust and love again. It cannot get more romantic when two people find each other and grow as individuals because of their love.
Source: Screenrant
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