Boba Fett's New BD Droid Makes Video Game Crossovers More Likely

Warning: SPOILERS for The Book of Boba Fett episode 5.
In addition to laying major groundwork for The Mandalorian season 3, The Book of Boba Fett episode 5 included a surprising nod to a Star Wars video game - and hinted at future crossovers. In a surprise departure from the rest of the season, The Book of Boba Fett's fifth episode didn't feature the titular bounty hunter at all and instead focused on Din Djarin and the aftermath of his decision to send Grogu off with Luke Skywalker. The episode even took Din Djarin back to Tatooine, where came into contact with a very familiar-looking droid.
As many gamers immediately realized, the BD unit droid that Din Djarin encounters on Tatooine is of the same model as BD-1 from the award-winning game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. The 2019 game developed by Respawn Entertainment followed the story of Cal Kestis, a young Jedi who escaped Order 66, and told a thrilling tale set during the early days of the Empire. BD-1 was Kestis' companion for the duration of the game and was integral to both story and gameplay.
Although this BD unit may not actually be BD-1, its appearance suggests that Lucasfilm is searching for opportunities to bring characters from video games into live-action. Disney-era Star Wars has certainly made a major effort to bring characters from its animated and comic properties into live-action, as evidenced by the appearance of Black Krrsantan in The Book of Boba Fett. After incorporating characters from Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars comics, it's only logical that video game characters and nods will become more frequent.

Many of these crossovers may simply be in the form of nods to games, but some may be considerably more substantial. While The Book of Boba Fett's BD-unit droid may not be BD-1, the fact that the show is set decades after the events of Jedi: Fallen Order suggests that it could potentially be the same droid. Given that the fate of Fallen Order's protagonist Cal Kestis hasn't been revealed, it's highly possible that an older version of Kestis could appear in the upcoming Ahsoka show. That the mysterious disappearance of Fennec Shand in the first season of The Mandalorian turned out to be a seed planted for the return of Boba Fett suggests that Lucasfilm does play the long game when teasing new characters.
Another major factor pointing to more video game crossovers on the way is the very recent announcement that Respawn Entertainment has three new Star Wars games in the works. While details are relatively sparse, one game is confirmed to be a Fallen Order follow-up, with the other two likely to tell entirely new stories. Regardless of the era in which these Star Wars games are set, they are sure to introduce new characters and give Lucasfilm plenty to draw on for future crossovers. For now, it's still to be seen whether The Book of Boba Fett or The Mandalorian season 3 reveals more about this little BD unit.
Episodes of The Book of Boba Fett air Wednesdays on Disney+
Source: Screenrant
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