Darcey & Stacey: Stacey Silva Is Suspicious of Georgi Rusev's Behavior

Darcey & Stacey star Stacey Silva revealed that she has some suspicions about Georgi Rusev and his newly rekindled relationship with Darcey Silva. Darcey and Georgi first met each other on 90 Day Fiancé, but troubles arose when it was revealed that Georgi was already legally married. Darcey and Georgi seem to be back together after many ups and downs, but Stacey is hesitant to trust Georgi as much as her sister may be willing to.
From the beginning, Darcey and Georgi's relationship was far from happily ever after. Tensions between the two grew as Darcey & Stacey began. A large source of conflict for the couple was that Georgi wouldn't agree to give up his own apartment in Washington, D.C., in addition to Darcey finding a large sum of cash hidden in Georgi's socks. At one point, it was revealed that Georgi contacted Darcey's ex-boyfriend Jesse Meester who Darcey had previously been in a notably toxic relationship with. Darcey felt that Georgi was reaching out to Jesse in an attempt to hurt her and, after all of Georgi's previously suspicious behavior, Darcey and Georgi split. Recently, however, the two have been giving things another try.
In an exclusive sneak peek of an upcoming episode of Darcey & Stacey obtained by People, Stacey has a few questions for Georgi and what his motivations are for attempting to maintain a relationship with Darcey. "I mean, I don't get it. What are your intentions with Darcey?" she asks. According to Georgi, all that he wants to do is mend things between him and Darcey. Stacey isn't so sure that is the case, however, saying, "I feel like you're just going to go back to your old ways." Stacey elaborates by saying that she believes Darcey and Georgi will fall back into bad patterns and "start fighting and break up days, weeks later. It's like an endless cycle."

Georgi tells Stacey that he is going to be attending couples therapy with Darcey, and notes that he thinks it will be helpful "to have someone independent [of our situation] to see what we do wrong and try to work on the things [that we're doing wrong]." Still not satisfied with Georgi's response, Darcey asks why hadn't he taken the opportunity to go to couples therapy in the past. Georgi insists that he was never opposed to the idea, and implies that Darcey may not have been cooperative.
Based on the conflicts seen between Georgi and Darcey on both 90 Day Fiancé and on Darcey & Stacey, it doesn't seem that Stacey is particularly wrong for being suspicious that the couple may soon fall into old toxic habits. Georgi has made a number of untrustworthy actions, and while he attributes some of his secretive behavior to his upbringing, calling Darcey's toxic ex Jesse cannot exactly be justified using the same reasoning. However, it's not impossible for the couple to make things work, and if they are both going to couple's therapy for the right reason, perhaps the two will come out of the experience happier than before.
Source: People
Source: Screenrant
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