
Doctor Who: 10 Things That Have Fans Excited For The Spring Special

New Year's Day's "Eve Of The Daleks" proved to be a thrilling Dalek adventure for viewers, and among the most exciting aspects of this special are the teases for the show's upcoming spring edition. This highly entertaining episode of Doctor Who ends with a trailer for the much-anticipated next installment, entitled "Legend Of The Sea Devils," which has left many fans excited for what's in store.

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This short teaser for the upcoming special has revealed some promising new information for the next episode, suggesting an especially eventful story for the Thirteenth Doctor and her companions. "Legend Of The Sea Devils" is set to be one of the TARDIS crew's greatest endeavors yet, with audiences eagerly awaiting the special's release.

One of the most impressive aspects of the Chibnall era is the diversity on-screen, with this period of the show featuring countless actors of various ethnic backgrounds. "Legend Of The Sea Devils" is continuing this trend, as it features a cast largely comprised of Asian actors.

The Spring Special will offer a bigger platform to actors such as Marlowe Chan-Reeves and Arthur Lee, who have otherwise barely featured on television.  This chance to see fresh new talent from an otherwise poorly represented background has left many fans excited, as it expands the series' international horizons to a considerable degree.

"Eve Of The Daleks" proved an eventful episode in many ways, but one of the biggest moments came as Yaz finally declared her feelings for the Doctor, making one of the Thirteenth Doctor's best memes official. Affectionately referred to by fans as "Thasmin," this promising relationship between Yaz and her Time Lord friend is likely to be explored further in "Legend Of The Sea Devils."

Yaz's new romantic subplot will help add some further depth to her character, with the Time Lord's loyal companion having previously struggled to admit her sexuality. This aspect of the Spring Special could also introduce a personal dilemma for the Doctor, who may find herself torn between returning Yaz's feelings and rejecting her companion's romantic gestures, in light of her impending regeneration.

Chris Chibnall's time as showrunner has brought some new creative talent to the show, with writers such as Malorie Blackman and Maxine Alderton delivering some truly outstanding episodes. "Legend Of The Sea Devils" will welcome another fresh face to the show, with Ella Road's involvement in the story's development having previously been revealed.

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Ella Road has previous experience writing for the science fiction genre, having delivered the award-winning stage play The Phlebotomist.  The writer has demonstrated a deep understanding of sci-fi tropes through her previous theatrical work, making her the ideal fit for Britain's longest-running sci-fi series.

Considered among some of the show's best episodes according to IMDb, Doctor Who's historical episodes have impressed many viewers over the years. "Legend Of The Sea Devils" is the latest installment to take place during a past time period, with the Doctor and her friends landing in 19th Century China.

"Legend Of The Sea Devils" marks the first time the show has explored China's past, leaving fans intrigued to learn more about this rarely discussed historical setting. This decision to explore China's history could bring a unique flavor to the BBC program, as viewers are educated on a less familiar period of time.

Unresolved mysteries can provide a solid basis for a Doctor Who episode, and "Eve Of The Daleks" suggests the Spring special may be taking this exact approach. The episode's final scenes show the Doctor voicing her interest in locating the lost treasure of a Portuguese  ship known as the "Flor de la Mar," hinting at a thrilling quest narrative for "Legend Of The Sea Devils."

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The lost treasure of the Flor de la Mar would make for an intriguing adventure storyline for the TARDIS crew. The treasure has never been found since the ship harboring the wealthy goods sank in November 1511, giving Doctor Who's creative team the perfect opportunity to offer their own explanation for its location. Fans are hoping the sci-fi series will deliver a satisfying answer for one of history's most compelling mysteries.

Pirates have often proven a fascinating subject for general audiences, with media franchises such as Pirates Of The Caribbean and Black Sails gaining big international followings. "Legend Of The Sea Devils" is set to explore this element of history further, with a plot incorporating Chinese pirates.

While the show's previous attempt at a pirate narrative may be regarded as one of Doctor Who's worst storylines, fans are excited to see the current creative team's take on the subject matter. The Spring special gives the Chibnall era the perfect chance to learn from the mistakes made by the previous pirates episode, and deliver on the topic's promising potential. "Legend Of The Sea Devils" could provide a fun swashbuckling adventure for the TARDIS team, as they experience life on the high seas.

Fondly remembered by fans, 2009's "Planet Of The Dead" is the sci-fi series' first Spring Special and entertained over eight million viewers during its initial UK broadcast. Despite its considerable success, however, the BBC have appeared reluctant to commission further spring specials. "Legend of the Sea Devils" will buck this trend, however, with this special edition of the show due to air during this seasonal period.

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With the story likely to be shown close to Easter, the possibility of the plot utilizing themes related to this religious celebration has left fans eagerly anticipating the episode's broadcast. "Planet Of The Dead" incorporated a few entertaining references to Easter, with one of the most engaging scenes featuring the Doctor offering Lady Christina a chocolate egg. This holiday provides the show with many fun possibilities, which could be incorporated into the story in a highly engaging manner.

Last seen in 1984's "Warriors Of The Deep," the Sea Devils have been strangely absent from Doctor Who's TV series, despite being among the show's most popular foes. Finally, however, these creatures are about to challenge the Doctor once again.

The Sea Devils' comeback is one of the show's most hotly anticipated moments, with fans having previously requested their inclusion in Series 13. Their return could benefit greatly from the show's increased budget since their last appearance, allowing viewers to witness the Sea Devils as they've never been seen before.

Historical figures have appeared frequently throughout the show's history, with famous individuals including Charles Dickens and Winston Churchill having been portrayed in the series. "Legend Of The Sea Devils" will feature its own take on a historical legend, as the episode is confirmed to introduce viewers to the pirate queen Madame Ching.

Ching's inclusion promises to be a fascinating addition to the story, as she led a remarkable life. The pirate queen commanded an armada of over 300 ships, with over 180,000 pirates fighting by her side. Madame Ching was particularly known for her manipulative skills, which she used to marry Zheng Yi. This interesting back story has left many fans curious to learn more about the legendary pirate queen.

The Chibnall era has often embraced diversity in its choice of behind-the-scenes personnel, and the upcoming special is no different. "Legend Of The Sea Devils" features the directing talent of female Chinese director Haolu Wang, in her first piece of professional work for the sci-fi series.

Haolu Wang's hiring for the beloved British program has proven to be an exciting piece of news for fans, who are keen to see the director bring her own unique style to the show. Wang has achieved considerable success with her directing work, with her strong creative abilities having resulted in her receiving an "Excellence In Short Filmmaking Award" for her short feature "The Pregnant Ground." Haolu Wang's clear expertise could provide some of Doctor Who's most impressive scenes yet.

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Source: Screenrant