
FFXIV: Unspoken Rules & Common Courtesy For Dungeons

New or returning players in Final Fantasy XIV may not know when entering dungeons, that there are quite a few unspoken rules and ways to show common courtesy to other adventurers. The first activity that can be challenged is the level 15 Sastasha dungeon, after completing the Main Scenario Quest "It's Probably Pirates." Duties in the game are a team effort, with everyone contributing to accomplishing the same objective. The game searches for players across the same Data Center that wish to enter the activity. The unspoken rules in FFXIV are a set of guidelines all adventurers should abide by to spread common courtesy across the game.

Most fans are welcoming to all players that are willing to learn. The community is great in ensuring that others receive the same wonderful experiences they had when playing through the game. Experienced adventurers will give tips and explanations to beginners in FFXIV whenever asked, and often help out on clearing content. Communication is very important for players to learn and complete an activity efficiently. Following is where the first series of unspoken rules come into play.

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Players should tell the party when they are new to a dungeon or job. The majority of the time other adventurers will be more accommodating when it comes to mistakes and will often give advice on a fight or game mechanics. Tanks always need to talk with their Healers to find out how comfortable they are with big pulls of enemies. A White Mage with high burst skills may be able to heal through the attacks, but an unaware scholar might not have enough barriers to mitigate the damage. Tanks must help Healers in FFXIV or the team will wipe in the dungeon. Other jobs should never pull the enemies because the increase in damage could cause an unaware teammate to die. Another way to avoid unnecessary attacks is to not stand in front of a boss or group of adversaries, as a good Tank will face them away from the party. When participating in a dungeon group, there are also common courtesy rules to follow.

It's always important to be respectful to players experiencing the story for the first time. Nothing is worse than seeing a sprout in a dungeon watching a cutscene and the Tank decides to start the fight. Saying, "Hi" when entering an activity is always a polite way to let others know you are there to enjoy the content with everyone. Paying attention to the party chat, especially in new FFXIV duties like the Vanaspati dungeon, is also important in case someone needs to go AFK for whatever reason. If adventurers all respect the time and effort other players are putting into clearing a dungeon, more fun can be had together.

The community created these unspoken rules in FFXIV as a common ground for fans to share and enjoy the game together. Adventurers tend to pick up on these respectful actions throughout their time in the game. Everyone learns at different rates and shouldn't be afraid to make a mistake. Final Fantasy XIV is full of welcoming players and fans can also ask for help in activities.

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Source: Screenrant