
Green Lantern Reveals the Secret Origin & Purpose of Jo Mullein

Warning: contains spoilers for Green Lantern #10!

Jo Mullein is the newest Green Lantern, and now DC has finally revealed the secrets behind her origin. As Koyos, the rogue Guardian, prepares to deliver the death blow to the Corps in Green Lantern #10, secrets come to light about Jo Mullein and her mysterious ring, secrets that may help defeat Koyos. The issue is on sale now in print and digital.

Jo Mullein, the latest Green Lantern from Earth, first appeared in Green Lantern: Far Sector #1, created by acclaimed novelist N.K. Jemisin and artist Jamal Campbell. As detailed in that series, Mullein, an Earth cop, was selected by the Guardians of the Universe to go on a top-secret mission to a distant sector of space. Mullein was going to be out of contact with the rest of the Corps for an extended period of time, leading the Guardian who recruited her to give Mullein a special ring that did not need to be recharged. In Mullein’s absence, the Guardians were attacked, and the Power Battery destroyed, with many Green Lanterns killed as a result. Jo Mullein and her self-sustaining ring returned just after the initial attack, and she found herself rallying what was left of the Corps.

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Now, Koyos, one of the Guardians, is revealed to be behind the attack, in a bid to make the other Guardians pay for suppressing magic. The surviving Guardians, led by Nemosyni, charge Koyos, while the remaining Green Lanterns watch below. Nemosyni reveals that she hoped Koyos would see reason, but when she realized he wouldn't, she began to take matters into her own hands. To that end, she created Jo Mullein’s special ring, and kept it off the primary networks, as a way of avoiding detection by Koyos or anyone else. Finally, Nemosyni reveals she contrived to send Mullein away, to a sector so distant the other Guardians could not track her. Her ring and mission were designed to keep her off the grid, making her the Guardians' ace in the hole. The issue is written by Geoffrey Thorne, illustrated by ChrisCross, Juan Castro and Marco Santucci, colored by Mike Atiyeh and lettered by Rob Leigh.

When readers first met Mullein in Far Sector, questions remained about her and the hush-hush nature of her mission. Now, these have been answered. Nemosyni was right to keep Mullein a secret from the other Guardians, as well as the rest of the Corps; even when Mullein returned to our galaxy, many Lanterns were not aware of her existence. Mullein returned to a broken Lantern Corps, and she rallied them together, providing hope and inspiration at the Corps’ darkest hour. Mullein’s actions since her return have proven that Nemosyni’s was correct to put her faith in Mullein.

This revelation about Jo Mullein’s first mission as a Green Lantern adds a new layer not only to the character, but Far Sector as well. Jo Mullein was to be the Green Lantern Corps' secret weapon, and it is a role she has fulfilled well.

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Source: Screenrant