
Teen Wolf: Each Main Character’s Worst Decision | Screen Rant

Every week during Teen Wolf's run, a new threat emerged in Beacon Hills for Scott McCall and his friends to take on. But while most of the main characters spent the bulk of the series' run saving their small town from supernatural threats, that doesn't mean they always made the best decisions while doing it.

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With most of the main characters being teenagers, their judgment wasn't always the best. They trusted the wrong people or went down the wrong paths, but they learned from those mistakes. The worst choices made by main characters affected more than just the character making the decision, setting events in motion for everyone else as well.

Lydia Martin makes a lot of impulsive teenage choices over the course of the series, like kissing Scott during the Wolf Moon. A lot of Lydia's behavior isn't so much conscious decisions as her just going after what she wants. Her actual worst decision is deciding to trust Meredith when she discovers that she and Meredith have similar powers.

It's hard to blame Lydia for trusting Meredith since at that point; she hasn't met other banshees and has very little idea of just how to control her own abilities. It turns out, however, that Meredith is the mysterious Benefactor who puts out bounties on all of the supernatural creatures in the area. Without Lydia placing her trust in her, Meredith might not have learned the identities of quite as many of Lydia's friends and everyone's lives wouldn't have been in as much danger.

As the town's sheriff, Noah Stilinski makes a lot of decisions that cause friction with his son and Scott's pack. Noah walks a fine line of trying to keep order in town and trying to help Stiles. His worst decision, though, directly the latter, not the former.

When Stiles starts to fear that there's something wrong with him, he seeks out help from his father. Stiles worries that he's going to end up with the same degenerative brain disease his mother had, and when he tries to talk to his dad about his equally pressing supernatural fears, Noah chooses not to believe him. Stiles is heartbroken, telling his father that his mother would have. It's a single moment that temporarily fractures Noah's relationship with his son, and it's part of the reason Stiles is pushed toward the Nogitsune.

In one of Teen Wolf's saddest death scenes, Victoria Argent chooses to take her own life rather than turn into a werewolf after being bitten. Allison, however, is led to believe that her mother was killed by a werewolf, and it leads to her wanting justice for her family. She embraces her need for revenge and agrees to let Gerard train her instead of her father.

While Allison's anger and grief is completely understandable to the audience, she decides to ignore just how dangerous and violent her grandfather is, thinking the ends justify the means. That decision takes her down a dark path for a while.

Like Lydia, Kira doesn't initially know her own family history with the supernatural. When she learns that she's a kitsune, she's interested in the subject, but she prefers to do things her own way instead of listening to her mother's own tales of caution.

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If Kira would have followed her mother's advice, she might have been able to better control the kitsune inside her. Instead, Kira rapidly spins out of control and her mother ends up taking her to live and train with the Skinwalkers — and she's never seen in the series again.

Derek Hale spends a lot of Teen Wolf season 1 trying to get Scott on his side, and it just doesn't work. While Scott's more than happy to help Derek with problems once in a while, he doesn't want to be a member of the Hale pack. So, Derek decides to take matters into his own hands and form a brand new pack. He creates three Beta wolves to build up his strength and numbers.

While Derek means well, picking three teenagers to turn at the same time is irresponsible. He has trouble getting just one of them to listen to him, let alone all three. They repeatedly rush to judgment and put others in danger. Derek ends up losing Isaac to Scott's growing pack, and he loses Boyd and Erica when they run away and are captured by the Alpha pack.

Chris Argent has an impressive character arc in Teen Wolf. He goes from the guy hunting Scott down in the early episodes of the series to a protector of the supernatural. While that's great, he also loses his wife, his sister, his daughter, and learns his father is a murderer.

None of that would have happened — or at least not in the short time frame it does — if Chris hadn't moved his family to Beacon Hills in the first place. According to Allison, the family moves to Beacon Hills because of her father's job. Whether that story is entirely a cover or partially true is never confirmed, but it still seems like the move is his decision.

Malia doesn't initially understand the concept of a pack. As a werecoyote, she spends her formative years in a solitary (and wild) situation. Once she does start to adjust to being a member of Scott's pack, however, she still makes decisions for herself without thinking about how they affect others.

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One of those is the decision to try to stop her mother on her own. It's a dangerous one to make since the pack all draws strength from each other. Malia stands a better chance with help, and her mother is more than willing to kill her own daughter since that's how she plans to increase her own strength. Luckily, Braeden sees how flawed Malia is and helps her.

When Stiles is afraid that he's putting other people in danger with his potential hallucinations and sleepwalking, he opts to walk away from his friends and family and check himself into Eichen House for help. While taking care of mental health is important, the facility, as Teen Wolf demonstrates over the course of its run, isn't actually all that great at helping anyone who checks in.

Checking into Eichen House, with its secret basement of locked up supernatural entities, does nothing other than isolate Stiles from his existing support system and make him more vulnerable to the Nogitsune taking over. In fact, it's in Eichen House that he bonds with Malia, and the Nogitsune uses her as leverage to get Stiles to agree to let him take charge.

Peter is the Hale Alpha who plays the long game while he's hospitalized. He wants to be the most powerful werewolf in town. While Peter becomes a sometimes-ally to the main characters later in the series, he also spends a lot of time seeing his plans thwarted by teenagers and ending up in a whole lot of physical pain from the number of fights he's in.

He could have avoided a lot of that by never biting Scott McCall. Peter biting Scott is what kicks off the events of the entire series. The bite changes Scott's life, makes him a true Alpha, and causes the creation of a pack of more than just werewolves. Peter is never able to achieve his goals because of his own Beta.

The first person to know that Scott is a werewolf is Stiles. That's because Stiles figures it out, of course, but over time, all of Scott's friends learn the truth. One of the last people to find out is his own mother. Scott consciously makes the decision not to tell Melissa, which is often a trope in supernatural shows involving teens, but it's a shame here because Melissa adapts to the idea very quickly.

It's Scott's worst decision because he and his friends would have had an adult on his side immediately if he'd told Melissa the truth; not just any adult either, but an adult with comprehensive medical knowledge who could help when they were in trouble. Melissa is also a fighter — for her son and her hometown — and would have supported Scott's efforts to help people from the start.

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Source: Screenrant