Xolo Maridueña Interview: Cobra Kai Season 4 | Screen Rant

Warning: SPOILERS for Cobra Kai Season 4.
Miguel Diaz (Xolo Maridueña) was the focus of Cobra Kai season 4's cliffhanger ending when he left the San Fernando Valley to seek out his birth father in Mexico. Miguel is the top Eagle Fang karate student and surrogate son of Johnny Lawrence (William Zabka) but he also got to know Daniel LaRusso (Ralph Macchio) and Miyagi-Do's style in Cobra Kai season 4. Despite being the defending champion, Miguel also quit the All Valley Under 18 Karate Tournament in another shocker.
Screen Rant chatted with Xolo Maridueña about Miguel's Cobra Kai season 4 journey, how he thinks Miguel's rivalry with Robby Keene (Tanner Buchanan) should end, and Xolo also gives an update on Blue Beetle, the upcoming DC superhero movie he will star in as Jaime Reyes.
Screen Rant: Congrats on Cobra Kai season 4. I think it’s the best season so far. What was your favorite moment from season 4?
Xolo Maridueña: I think one of my favorite moments, just as an audience member, is getting to see how crazy Terry Silver [Thomas Ian Griffth] can be. I never got to film with him. That whole season 4, I was with Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang that whole time. I would always see him walking out of his trailer or coming out of makeup but I only ever knew him as Thomas the Super Tall Nice Guy. Getting to see him on camera, I was like, "Whoa, this guy flipped some switch or something. Or this is his twin brother? This guy's evil! This guy is bad news!" Getting to see that has honestly been one of my favorite parts.
Have you watched The Karate Kid Part III?
Xolo Maridueña: Yeah. After I booked Cobra Kai, I went back and watched all of [The Karate Kid movies]. Being a fan of The Karate Kid III and all of the Karate Kid movies, I think the fun [of Cobra Kai] is seeing all of these people come back. I feels rewarding, even though I definitely didn't wait as long as [the longtime fans].
A little over a year ago, Cobra Kai season 3 debuted on Netflix. Now it’s one of the biggest shows in the world, number one in every country. What’s Cobra Kai fame like now that the show has blown up?
Xolo Maridueña: Fortunately, we've been able to navigate this really big platform we're on during the pandemic. I think it's been a blessing in disguise that people are forced to sit in front of their TVs (laughs) and be at home and binge the show. But [the cast] has also been able to have a sense of privacy as well and some sense of, "Well, okay, this is manageable." Because [for me], once Blue Beetle comes out, it'll be a whole different ballgame.
Navigating [fame] as a 20-year-old is a little difficult at times. But man, [Cobra Kai] isn't possible without the audience at home. They really have given us a new life, a resurrection, so to speak, of the show. We're gonna keep making seasons so long as they keep being good.
In Season 2, Miguel gets his back broken at the end. Johnny breaks his heart in season 4. Is it me or do the writers really love putting Miguel through the wringer?
Xolo Maridueña: Hey man, I think I don't need methol under my eyes when I need to cry. It's like, "Let's get the tears out of me." I guess [Miguel's hardships] just means he's due for a victory soon. Whatever victory that looks like, we'll just have to wait and see. I guess it just means it can only go up from here, right?

The All Valley in season 4 was fantastic, the whole thing. Obviously, Hawk [Jacon Bertrand] won the championship for the boys’ side. Were you hoping for Miguel to get his rematch with Robby in the final? Were you surprised at the direction it took?
Xolo Maridueña: In my head, it always seemed more appropriate for the rematch between Robby and Miguel to not happen in the tournament. Something I enjoy so much, and it happens more in the adult fights, is the scrappiness of not being in a tournament setting and being confined to the rules of, "One point! Two points!"
The school fight [at the end of Cobra Kai season 2], for example, was such a brawl. It feels like [Avengers] Infinity War. It's two sides coming together and it's so unhinged that I feel like it's only right to let [Robby vs. Miguel] happen off the mat. And honestly, it's probably lucky for Robby because I would've whooped him again just like I did the first time! (laughs) No, I'm just kidding. But that's how I always envisioned it in my head.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see if that's even something that needs to happen. There's also another world in my head where maybe another big fight doesn't need to happen. Maybe Robby and Miguel can just chill. There's really no telling what [Cobra Kai's] creators are gonna do. Honestly, they leave me guessing at every turn and have managed to break my back in more than one way, so... (laughs) I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
I really liked the fight after the prom when all of you went into the pool.
Xolo Maridueña: That was a super fun time to film. Getting to fight in a suit like that felt like super James Bond and Mission: Impossible. It felt super different than anything I'd done before. And a little bit more uncomfortable, especially when you're getting dumped into water with all of your clothes on. But it's always fun and there's never a dull time with everyone.
In season 4, Miguel spent some quality time with Daniel and learned the Miyagi-Do style. What about you, Xolo? Which dojo’s style do you like most?
Xolo Maridueña: Definitely Eagle Fang. It actually has less to do with Eagle Fang than the fact that I hold my allegiance with Billy [Zabka], one hundred percent. Johnny Lawrence is my favorite character. I really just feel like he could say we're doing karate on Mars and I'd be like, "All right, book my ticket on the next spaceship." I really admire him so much. I'd follow him to the moon.
Miguel’s relationship with Johnny is really the heartbeat of the show. I think it’s the central sensei/student relationship. Some fans were worried by Miguel’s ending and thought you were being written out. Just to confirm, you’re in season 5, right?
Xolo Maridueña: You know, I'm not too sure! (laughs) I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I think something that's been such a pleasure is seeing new characters coming in and out of the show. I guess we'll have to wait and see!
Well, season 4 did set up that Johnny was chasing after Miguel in Mexico City.
Xolo Maridueña: So at the very least we'll see that.
There's also all the speculation about Miguel's father. Could we ever find out who that is?
Xolo Maridueña: I mean, hey! All I can say is that all of the cliffhangers in season 4 will be addressed in season 5. One way or another. How long it'll take to resolve is up for debate. But I can tell you that, just like I said for season 4, season 5 is gonna be the best season! It really is the next level. I can't wait for you guys to see it. I wish it could come out already.

Lastly, I’ve gotta ask a little bit about Blue Beetle. Have you worn the suit? Have you tried it on? What does it look like?
Xolo Maridueña: So, I know there's been a lot of [articles]. I misspoke. I guess should have said it differently. I haven't tried on the suit. I've seen the suit. I've seen renders of the suit. Not even the real suit. And I've done body scans and stuff like that. That's all I've done. I haven't tried on the suit. I started seeing stuff everywhere saying I tried on the suit. I haven't tried on the suit but I can tell you that there is a suit. (laughs) And it's effing sick! Savage, even. I'm excited to see it. I think we're gonna utilize it in some ways that are gonna be exciting and hopefully will push some boundaries.
You're already in Cobra Kai shape. Are you getting in superhero shape as well?
Xolo Maridueña: Dude, so this past Friday I had my first session with the trainer. And I can tell you if I'm not buff by the end of this, then all of this for nothing because it is so hard! Obviously, we get in shape for Cobra Kai but this is like a different kind of shape. I'm so excited. It truly feels like I'm working towards a goal and where the end of that tunnel is, I'm not too sure. But I'm really for it. I'm ready to dive deep in.
I presume after Blue Beetle, you’re back for Cobra Kai season 6.
Xolo Maridueña: Yeah, and hey, then I'll be buff as hell! There'll be no question then. Robby will definitely go down! In any street fight or battle. Then I'll have my own shirtless scene, I suppose. (laughs)
That's how Cobra Kai should end. Everyone just goes shirtless at the end.
Xolo Maridueña: Exactly, exactly! For the big musical episode.
Cobra Kai Season 4 is streaming on Netflix.
Source: Screenrant
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