
Tati Gabrielle Interview: Uncharted | Screen Rant

The Uncharted games are notable for their memorable characters, something reflected in the long-awaited film adaptation with the likes of Nathan Drake, Victor "Sully" Sullivan, and Chloe Frazer making the leap to live-action. Something the movie does is introduce new characters to the franchise. Among these fresh faces is Jo Braddock, played by Tati Gabrielle. She's a mercenary working with the film's villain, Santiago Moncada.

Screen Rant spoke with Gabrielle about her experience making Uncharted, an update on You season 4, and more.

Related: Sophia Ali Interview for Uncharted

Screen Rant: You are awesome in this movie. Just a total psycho, looking flawless while doing it. How do you describe who Braddock is?

Tati Gabrielle: She's a treasure hunter. She is from Sully's past that you kind of have this mysterious air around. But she's this ruthless, psychopathic chick who really stands strong in her own ground and will stop at nothing and will not be stopped by anything to get what it is that she wants and to obtain the power she feels she needs.

Where do you dive in with her, because all of your co-stars have all these references [and] actors who have done the motion capture, and you have to start from scratch. So how do you dive into who this person is?

Tati Gabrielle: It started with just a lot of conversations with Ruben [Fleishcher] about, “How is Braddock positioned to Sully? How does she help his growth as well?” And then playing with the freedom that we had in the fact that she is a character of imagination, that she's not from the games. Just brainstorming, throwing things back and forth and feeling what sticks and what feels right. Once we were like, "Okay, no, she's a psychopath. That's it. She has no empathy," I actually did a lot of research on psychopaths and what that behavior actually really manifests as in a day-to-day setting, not just as a serial killer or whatever the case, just so that I could truly understand what it means to not have empathy for someone and still make them, even a human being without empathy, still being well-rounded, if that makes sense.

Yeah, it does. And something that people may not know about you is that you are quite a badass yourself. I believe you have a black belt. That's true, right? 

Tati Gabrielle: Yes, I do!

So cool. Oh my God. What was that like for you, in the movie, just incorporating your martial arts training into the film?

Tati Gabrielle: It was awesome. It turned me back into a kid again, in a way. That was something that I had always wanted to do with my martial arts training, is be able to bring it into the film space. I was a kid in a candy store when it came to the stunts. I was like, "Yes, let's do it." I did the majority of my stunts myself. I only had stunt double's step in if it was liability reasons, I can't do it because it's unsafe. But yeah, I was very proud of myself to be able to slide into there very comfortably and execute.

I just watched Uncharted and I also just finished all of You and now I really want Marienne to come back and get her revenge in season 4. What would you like to see? 

Tati Gabrielle: I really would love to see her foil Joe. On one hand, I would love to see your foil Joe, and then, on the other hand, I'd love to see what it could be like for Marienne to just have a good life. She struggled for so long. And yeah, I want her to have a happy ending.

Next: Tom Holland Interview for Uncharted

Source: Screenrant