Elden Ring: Coolest Armor Sets For Character Customization

Like FromSoftware games of the past, Elden Ring leaves little lacking when it comes to fashion, and players have already begun showing off their coolest “Elden Bling” armor sets. Armor sets are crucial in Elden Ring, providing defense and bonus effects for Tarnished players as they challenge hordes of fearsome foes. However, character customization can be just as important as stats when it comes to RPGs, and Elden Ring has a ton of awesome-looking armor sets for players to try. There are dozens of armor sets available in the game, allowing the Tarnished to look their very best as they rise to become the next Elden Lord.
As if the plethora of armor sets featured in Elden Ring wasn’t enough, players can also alter their armor for an even more unique aesthetic. However, altering armor requires Tailoring Tools and a Sewing Needle, both of which drop from the Demi-Human Chiefs lurking within the Coastal Cave inside Elden Ring's region of Limgrave. With these tools, the Tarnished can unlock different appearances for their armor, giving them plenty of options for character customization.
In addition to the starting armor and standard armor that can be found throughout Elden Ring’s open world, many of the game’s bosses unlock Legendary armor sets once they’ve been defeated. There are also a variety of Knight’s sets, Soldier’s sets, and Duelist’s sets from various areas, so players can deck their character out in the build-appropriate armor of their favorite factions and locations. With so many cool-looking options available, the Tarnished won’t have to worry about looking drab on their quest to claim the legendary Elden Ring.

The infamous Starscourge Radahn is among the hardest bosses in Elden Ring, and his overwhelming presence is intimidating even from a great distance. However, despite being cursed to wander endlessly, Radahn sports some of the coolest armor in the game. Between the brilliant gold detailing of the plate pieces and the huge red plume cascading from the helm, players can wander the Lands Between with the same awesome aesthetic as the beastly general himself. The General Radahn armor set can be purchased from Enia in the Roundtable Hold for 36,000 Runes once players have managed to defeat the general in battle.

Blaidd - a figure players can encounter in the eastern regions of Limgrave's forest - is arguably one of the coolest-looking characters in Elden Ring with his half-wolf armor, and players can claim his fashionable set for themselves later in the game. In addition to the wolf head he wears, Blaidd’s massive fur cape leaves a powerful impression that can make even the toughest characters look more gritty and intimidating. However, obtaining Blaidd’s armor set requires a lot of legwork, and players will not only have to complete his quest to claim it, but they’ll have to finish Ranni the Witch’s quest as well.
Fortunately, the set’s Black Wolf Mask headpiece can be found on the walls behind Seluvis’ Rise, so players can still sport this lupine look with a similar armor set if they’d prefer to skip Blaidd’s quest. It might not be the exact same, but it's still a striking look overall. Blaidd's quest is great too, but if they're looking for something to tide them over before eventually getting Blaidd's armor, then it's a fine alternative.

Elden Ring's flying dragons have shaped much of the Lands Between with their fearsome might, and players can don a draconic look of their own with the Drake Knight armor set. While there are a variety of cool Knight sets to be found in the game, the Drake Knight set takes its fashion a step above the rest with its unique dragon claw cape. The Drake Knight set can be found in a chest on the outskirts of Crumbling Farum Azula near the Beside the Great Bridge Site of Grace.

There are a number of different Crucible armor sets in Elden Ring, but none stand out in the Lands Between as much as the Crucible Tree armor set. This heavy armor set can be found in a chest behind the optional Elden Ring boss Crucible Knight Siluria, who players can find in the Deeproot Depths near the Nameless Eternal City Site of Grace. In addition to the intricate gold plate and ornate embroidery, the Crucible Tree set features an epic tree trunk headpiece that can make even the lowliest of Tarnished feel more at home near the Erdtree.

Ranni the Witch is one of Elden Ring’s more mysterious characters, and players can dress just like her with the Snow Witch armor set. As the name suggests, this armor is a stark white, which stands out against the vibrant landscapes of the Lands Between. Any magic-wielding Tarnished that envies Ranni’s huge, stylish wizard hat can obtain one for themselves by accepting the witch’s quest. The chest containing the Snow Witch set can be found in Renna’s Rise, but only after the player progresses far enough through Ranni’s quest in Elden Ring to unlock it.

Despite being banished from Elden Ring’s Raya Lucaria Academy, Sorceress Sellen’s mentors still have some of the best fashion in the game. The two Glintstone Founders have similar robes and feathered black capes, but Master Lusat sports blue gemstones and an orb crown while Master Azur wears more jagged green gemstones. Both the Lusat armor set and Azur armor set require players to complete Sorceress Sellen’s questline, which is pretty long and must be completed in stages as the Tarnished progresses on their journey.
Once the quest is complete, players can return to where they found both sorcerers to pick up their Legendary armor sets from the ground. However, this quest has two different endings. This means that players must choose to side with Sorceress Sellen during the quest to unlock these sets.

Worn by Knight Bernahl, the Beast Champion armor set is among the most intricate armor sets that Tarnished players can obtain in Elden Ring. The amount of detailing on each beast carved into the silver plate is impressive enough, but the back of the set is every bit as aesthetically pleasing as the front. The Beast Champion set’s layered capes and jewelry make it quite a spectacle that players can admire while traversing the Lands Between.
This armor set drops from Knight Bernahl, but killing this merchant too early in the game will prevent players from completing several quests that require interaction with him. Knight Bernahl will also drop his armor set when fought as an invading NPC in Crumbling Farum Azula, but this version of Bernahl drops an altered chest piece that doesn’t feature his cool cape. Of course, if players prefer their characters capeless, the altered Beast Champion’s set is still one of the coolest armor sets in Elden Ring.
Source: Screenrant
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