How Alak-Hul Became the First Lightblade in Destiny 2
In The Witch Queen expansion for Destiny 2, players are introduced to a plethora of new characters. Fynch, Immaru, and Savathun’s Worm are only a few of the new voices and faces Guardians become familiar with throughout Savathun’s throne world. Alongside these new characters are also returning cast, many of them revived by the Light. One of the most pertinent to resurface in Destiny 2 is Alak-Hul. The Hive Knight is the first Darkblade that was introduced back in The Taken King expansion for the first Destiny game, and was slain by Guardians. Following his death, Alak-Hul’s fate was unknown, but The Witch Queen makes it clear that he’s eventually discovered by one of the Hive Ghosts.
Source: Gamerant
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