
Star Wars: One Rebel Did What Luke Skywalker Never Could

Warning! Star Wars #21 spoilers ahead!

In the first Star Wars movie, Luke Skywalker and Han Solo rescue Princess Leia from the Death Star. Their scheme consists of the Empire's stormtrooper costumes as disguises while they pretend to escort a restrained Chewbacca. Although their plan succeeds, it definitely doesn't go as planned. Han Solo and Chewbacca eventually blow their cover when Imperial officers question their procedures.

In Charles Soule, Marco Castiello, and Ramon Rosanas's Star Wars #10, Shara Bey, Poe Dameron's mother, leads Operation Starlight with Wedge Antilles. The mission's purpose was to discover missing Rebel Alliance forces after the Battle of Hoth. However, the plan goes horribly wrong when Imperial Commander Ellian Zahra moves her Star Destroyer, the Tarkin's Will, to attack the fleet. Shara tells her team to depart from the Tarkin's Will without her, leaving her without a ship aboard the Star Destroyer's hangar.

Related: Star Wars Reveals How Han Solo Saved The Rebellion on Hoth

Star Wars #21 returns to Shara's story. With no other option, Shara uses a stormtrooper disguise to escape, just like Luke and Han did in A New Hope. Whether it's luck or the Force, Shara actually makes it to an Imperial Lambda-class shuttle in her disguise; the only close incident she goes through is a reprimand from an Imperial officer telling her to repair her armor. Nonetheless, Shara makes it and sets the coordinates back to the Rebel Alliance's fleet. Unfortunately for Shara, she doesn't pull off the plan completely untouched. Commander Zahra reveals herself from the shadows aboard the shuttle, along with a vibroblade, saying: "you must be the most arrogant rebel I've ever met. And that's saying something. I've met Luke Skywalker."

Zahra evades Shara's blaster fire and stabs Shara in her stomach. While fans know Shara makes it to the Battle of Endor, it's certainly a tense moment for her. Star Wars' comics have done a great job following The Empire Strikes Back. While it means less Han Solo (because he's still frozen in carbonite), there's a substantial opportunity to see the Rebels versus the Empire between Episodes V and VI. Star Wars Legends indeed did a great job with this in Shadows of the Empire's comics, books, and games, but some characters from Star Wars' Extended Universe are canon once again, pleasing several different types of fans.

Fans know Shara will survive, but Marvel's Star Wars series still tells a suspenseful story, showcases stunning art, and has some seriously cool settings so far. It's a special treat whenever Star Wars alludes to classic and iconic moments from the Original Trilogy. Whether they include small story elements, or recall Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo, and Chewbacca's Death Star escape, Star Wars comics have something for everyone.

Next: Star Wars: Luke Skywalker Never Escaped the Dark Side

Source: Screenrant