
Fantastic Beasts: The 10 Best Magical Creatures In The Series, According To Ranker

The Fantastic Beasts series is credited with expanding the Wizarding World first introduced in the Harry Potter movies. Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore has continued the trend of introducing more magical creatures through Newt Scamander’s adventures, with the magizoologist already encountering dozens of animals.

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Fans on Ranker have cast their votes on which fantastic beast they love the most, ranging from powerful creatures like the Thunderbird to smaller ones like Bowtruckles. Since these take into account hundreds of votes, there’s no doubt that these creatures are the pick of the bunch in the Fantastic Beasts franchise and the Wizarding as a whole.

10 Mooncalf

Among the most admirable traits of a Hufflepuff is their dedication toward just about anything that needs help. Newt is shown tending to a herd of Mooncalves in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, which was the first time that fans got to see these cute creatures.

Their bulging, innocent eyes and small size contribute to making Mooncalves appear like the perfect pet to snuggle with. Mooncalf manure is supposed to enrich the soil for magical herbs to grow, while their complicated dancing ritual is something that is fun and hilarious to watch.

9 Augurey

The Augurey bird looks like a vulture that has a permanently sad expression, which instantly makes anyone feel pity for it. Patrick the Augurey appeared in Fantastic Beasts 2 and was shown as a pet of Newt’s whom he deeply cared for, with Patrick looking sad at his master’s departure.

Although the creature didn’t have much of a role to play, it looks like fans took to Patrick’s expression and it’s contributed to the bird’s popularity. In universe, the Augurey’s feathers are used to create quills and the bird’s mournful cries are said to foretell a death to take place.

8 Firedrake

The Firedrake might look like a dangerous animal but it’s actually relatively harmless. Another misconception about them is that they are small dragons when the Firedrakes are actually flying lizards with long antennae that can’t breathe fire.

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The creature’s fire ability is restricted to the end of the tail, which can emit sparks. Those who understand how Firedrakes work tend to use them to set anything alight, making pet Firedrakes rather handy. Their small size and similarities to dragons can make them seem like cute, feisty creatures.

7 Demiguise

Fans always want to see more of Newt Scamander’s exploits with his pet fantastic beasts, which they saw best in the first movie. Newt had a Demiguise called Dougal, who won over fans with his kind-hearted disposition, as Dougal went to great lengths to care for a young Occamy.

Demiguises are highly unique because they have the ability to turn invisible and the creature’s hair is used to craft invisibility cloaks. With a precognitive sight as well, Demiguises can only be captured by wizards who think outside of the box. Fans largely love the creature because of the innocent large eyes it has.

6 Occamy

A cross between a bird and a serpent, the Occamy is a creature known for its beauty. It kind of looks like a blend of a peacock and a snake, with the Occamy capable of reaching a length of fifteen feet on average to go with its natural wings that enables it to fly.

Occamy eggs are made of a pure silver that has a soft nature to them, which the magical beast is extremely protective of. Viewers saw the Occamy in the first Fantastic Beasts, where Newt had to reclaim the one in his possession. Its beauty wasn’t lost on fans and the Occamy remains popular.

5 Zouwu

There are more facts in Fantastic Beasts: A Natural History to learn about this creature, as the BBC documentary goes in-depth into the idea behind the Zouwu was conceived. It’s a five-colored beast the size of an elephant and appears to be a feline-like creature with fangs, a long tail, and a scraggly mane.

The most notable quality of the Zouwu is how incredibly fast it is and the fact that it can apparate. Fantastic Beasts fans are attached to the creature because of how mischievously adorable the Zouwu in the first movie was. The creature might be destructive, but it never intends to be that way.

4 Thestral

Among the connections between the Fanstastic Beasts and the Harry Potter series, fans largely feel close to the Thestrals because of their relevance to the plot. They have an essential part to play in later entries, with Harry and his friends making use of the creature to evade Voldemort’s forces and for Harry to embrace the concept of death.

Thestrals can only be seen by a person who has seen death up close, but they have a rather sweet disposition. Thestrals are docile enough to be trained and are very loyal to wizards. They were seen in Fantastic Beasts 2 pulling the carriage meant to transport Grindelwald from prison, with the latter eventually able to take control of them.

3 Bowtruckle

Bowtruckles are forest dwellers whose main purpose is to guard the tree they’re native to. However, they can be used as pets and tend to be very attached to their owners. Pickett is one of the more popular creatures from the Fantastic Beasts movies and there’s no doubt that fans have voted with him in mind.

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As demonstrated by Pickett, Bowtruckles don’t like to leave their owners’ side and will try to impress them to show their love. Bowtruckles can be very handy in things like picking locks or for discreet purposes due to their small size and neverending loyalty.

2 Thunderbird

The Thunderbird represents bravery, courage, and power, all of which make it an attractive beast to follow. The first movie had Newt looking for the Thunderbird he had transported to America, with the creature eventually showing up in all its majestic beauty.

Thunderbirds are powerful enough to manipulate the weather and their feathers make for a wand core that’s difficult to master but very adept at Transfiguration. Mainly, though, fans love the design of the creature for how it gives off the sense of wonder and intrigue to be found in the Wizarding World.

1 Niffler

The Niffler is easily the breakout creature from the Fantastic Beasts series for the way it perfectly captures the whimsical nature of the franchise. Newt’s pet Niffler, Teddy, has been the best source of comedy in the Fantastic Beasts movies, with the creature frequently looking to steal one thing or another.

Nifflers can’t help being nosy because it’s in their nature to cause a ruckus and capture anything that glints or appears shiny. Their amphibian-like appearance and cuddly frame make them the magical animal that fans would have loved to have in real life, with Ranker fans voting the Niffler right to the top.

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Source: Screenrant