
Moon Knight Teased A Secret Avengers History Well Before The MCU

Warning: Spoilers for Moon Knight episode 1

An Easter egg in Moon Knight episode 1 teased a superhero group that predates the Avengers by several centuries. Despite the fact that the Disney+ series is set in the 2020s, the show’s subject material is allowing viewers more insight into the MCU’s ancient history and a previously hidden corner of this cinematic world. In the comics, Egyptian mythology has factored heavily into the stories of various heroes – not just Moon Knight.

The team that Nick Fury put together in Marvel’s Avengers movie was far from the first group of super-powered beings to come together in the MCU’s history. Phase 4’s Eternals movie demonstrated that the Earth has been home to other powerful warriors in the distant past. Due to rules imposed on them by the Celestials, this group of alien immortals was forced to stand back and allow events on Earth to play out without their interference. In addition to the Eternals, there’s also the Asgardians, who reside primarily in their own dimension but have been known to make excursions to Earth over the years. Now, the MCU is pointing to the existence of an entirely different gathering of superhumans.

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In Moon Knight episode 1, Steven Grant (Oscar Isaac) mentioned a group of gods called the Ennead and pointed out that a poster incorrectly depicted them with seven members when they actually have nine. The Ennead is comprised of Atum, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Osiris, Shu, Set, Nephthys, and Isis, who are all gods and goddesses in Egyptian mythology. Similar to how the Norse and Greek gods are depicted in Marvel Comics, each member of the Ennead is an immortal with superhuman traits. Worshipped by the Egyptians thousands of years ago, the Ennead was essentially an ancient, Avengers-like team who looked out for the planet.

If those that make up the Ennead are anything like the characters from the comic books, more could be learned about their activities in the MCU’s ancient Egypt. In Marvel Comics, one of their members – Set – developed a villain presence on Earth, which resulted in the Egyptian gods working to protect the humans from harm. In the modern era, members of the Egyptian pantheon formed occasional alliances with Thor in his efforts to defeat other Marvel gods. Schemes orchestrated by Set have led to the Ennead taking action in other present-day stories as well.

For now, it remains to be seen who these characters really were and what roles they previously held. Since at least some of the Egyptian deities – Khonshu, Bast, and Ammit – appear to be real in the MCU’s world, it’s likely that the others, including the Ennead, did exist in some form. As Moon Knight digs deeper into the conflict between Khonshu and Ammit, it’s likely that the other gods will be touched on in the episodes to come. Some could emerge as key figures in the MCU’s history, and may have the potential to appear in the flesh.

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Moon Knight releases new episodes on Wednesdays on Disney+.

Source: Screenrant