Moon Knight's Khonshu Twist Sets Up 3 Upcoming MCU Movies

Warning: Spoilers for Moon Knight episode 2
Moon Knight's handling of Khonshu and the Egyptian gods sets up three MCU movies. Starring Oscar Isaac as the titular hero, at first glance the Moon Knight Disney+ TV show is something very rare indeed for the MCU; a self-contained story that's avoided indulging in Easter eggs and additional references. So far, Moon Knight's precise placement in the MCU timeline has only really been indicated by a poster on a bus. But, for all that's the case, it forms a vital part of the MCU all the same.
This is because of the way Moon Knight handles its Egyptian gods. When Marvel first launched the MCU, the studio was wary of the supernatural, fearful such mystical elements would clash with the science-based universe they had created; that's why Thor treated Asgard's magic as though it was simply a form of advanced science. Over a decade later, Marvel is much more confident, and Moon Knight has added an entire pantheon into the MCU, as well as all the rich history that comes with them. It seems the MCU's version of the Egyptian gods tend to operate on this plane of existence through avatars, although there are hints they can indeed be summoned onto this plane, with Arthur Harrow intending to "resurrect" his own god Ammit - presumably allowing his deity direct access to this world.
As self-contained as Moon Knight may be, the addition of the Egyptian pantheon dramatically reshapes the MCU and its history. It means the Asgardians aren't the only quasi-divine beings to have influenced human development, but rather that other groups have been doing the same for literal millennia. And that, in turn, acts as direct setup for three upcoming MCU movies – Thor: Love & Thunder, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, and Blade.
The most obvious setup is for Thor: Love & Thunder, which will deal with other pantheons that have affected human history - including the Greek gods, with Russell Crowe playing Zeus. A subtle Zeus Easter egg in Spider-Man: No Way Home suggests Zeus will come to Earth, causing political turbulence in New Asgard when he challenges the rule of King Valkyrie. But Zeus and the Greek gods are unlikely to be the only pantheon to appear in Thor: Love & Thunder, given the film's villain is none other than Gorr the God-Butcher. In the comics, Gorr grew to hate the gods because they had not helped his family in their hour of need, and he began to travel the galaxy slaying gods wherever he found them. He'll be played by Christian Bale, and is sure to be a formidable threat to any gods he encounters; the Egyptian pantheon may well want to stay out of his way.
Unfortunately, there is some evidence the Egyptian gods may well be drawn into Gorr's rampage. Moon Knight has directly referenced the top tier of the Egyptian pantheon, the Ennead, but there are countless other gods as well; one of the most notable is the Egyptian Panther God Bastet, and a cast listing for Thor 4 suggested Akosia Sabet will play the part of Bastet in the film. Given that's the case, there seems to be a straightforward narrative line between Moon Knight and Thor: Love & Thunder.

Bastet is an important figure in Marvel lore, simply because this particular Egyptian deity has already been directly referenced in the MCU. Bastet is better known as Bast, the Panther God of Wakanda, who has had a profound influence on the fictional African nation. She appeared to a tribal chieftain named Bashenga 10,000 years ago, encouraging him to ingest the precious Heart-Shaped Herb, a unique flower that had been mutated by exposure to Vibranium radiation; it granted Bashenga superhuman powers, and he became the first Black Panther in Bast's honor. The line of Black Panthers has continued to the present day, but may well be in danger of coming to an end; Killmonger destroyed all Wakanda's stock of Heart-Shaped Herb during his brief reign of Wakanda, and set photos strongly suggest King T'Challa has passed away.
All this means Black Panther: Wakanda Forever will undoubtedly explore Wakanda's reaction to this cultural crisis. Their entire civilization revolves around the unbroken line of Black Panthers, and now it has come to an abrupt end. While scientists like Shuri will no doubt attempt to find a scientific solution to this situation, its spiritual dimension cannot simply be ignored; to be a true Black Panther is to gain Bast's blessing by visiting the Ancestral Plane. Black Panther played this mysticism straight, in a number of haunting visions, and Wakanda Forever must do the same. It could even feature an actual appearance by Bast herself, with Sabet potentially reprising the role.
Moon Knight's focus on avatars raises the possibility the Black Panther is more than just a supersoldier; every Black Panther could actually be the chosen avatar of Bast, through whom Bast shapes the world. That would fit perfectly with the Black Panther's vital role in Wakandan culture and civilization, while adding a deeper level to the franchise's mysticism. It may also provide a way out of the crisis, however, with Bast seeking to find a way to restore her line of avatars even without the Heart-Shaped Herb.

Surprisingly, Moon Knight's Egyptian gods also potentially set up Blade, which will introduce Marvel's premier vampire hunter. They do this by virtue of Sekhmet, another Egyptian deity - already referenced in Captain America: Civil War, apparently venerated in Wakanda alongside Bast. Many historians believe the legends of Sekhmet to be the first vampire stories, for in one tale she was banished from Heliopolis by Ra to punish humanity for their disobedience. Sekhmet initially settled for slaying the guilty, but she got a taste for human blood, and soon began slaughtering everyone she met. This could easily be the origin story of vampires in the MCU; perhaps the first vampire was Sekhmet's avatar, who sired others of his kind, leading to the creation of a shadowy vampire race who have so far only been occasionally name-dropped and never seen. Mahershala Ali made his voice-debut as Blade in Eternals' post-credit scene, and his solo film is reportedly due to start filming in July 2022.
Moon Knight may seem to be disconnected from the wider MCU, but in truth, its treatment of the Egyptian pantheon reshapes the shared universe dramatically - simply because other Egyptian gods, notably Bast and Sekhmet, have already been directly referenced. Indeed, this subtle connectivity may well explain why Marvel viewed Moon Knight as a priority to produce, simply because it would redefine so much of the lore they were already dealing with. Whatever the outcome, it will be fascinating to see how Moon Knight goes on to reshape the MCU.
Moon Knight releases new episodes on Wednesdays on Disney+.
Source: Screenrant
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