Ms. Marvel: 10 Supporting Characters Who Are Integral To Kamala's Story
Ms. Marvel is heading to Disney+ later this year, and a whole host of supporting characters will be rounding out the series. While they will play a massive part in her narrative on screen, they are arguably even more integral on the page, where there is more room to explore her wider life. These individuals have helped to define Kamala Khan.
Whether they are her friends at school, romantic interests or even vigilantes she fights alongside, each one of these characters has contributed to Kamala's worldview and influenced her in some way. While not all of them will be brought to the screen, most of these relationships should eventually be adapted in some capacity.

Carol Danvers is the idol of Kamala Khan. In fact, when she first gained her powers, Ms. Marvel accidentally morphed her image into that of the Avenger. It said a lot about the character, but she eventually took on the moniker of her hero while keeping her own look.
Danvers really is Khan's inspiration, and it would be quite shocking to see the whole Disney+ show without some kind of appearance from the former Kree warrior. Comic book fans know that the duo become close friends and partners in battle, perhaps leading into The Marvels.

Miles Morales is growing up in the world of superheroes just like Kamala. His story in the comics could easily be adapted into her show, at least in part alongside his own spotlight, as the heroes very much parallel one another and end up working together.
As part of the team known as the Champions, they are close allies, with Ms. Marvel backing up Miles when no one else would. They've been through a lot with each other and Miles has helped Ms. Marvel grow as a hero, much like she has aided Spider-Man as he continues to evolve.

Finding allies in the field can be quite a struggle but Ms. Marvel is surrounded by like-minded individuals. While most have their own narratives, Kareem or Red Dagger has become a much larger part of the Ms. Marvel run and even a potential love interest.
Kareem is an old family friend of Kamala and his own heritage is intertwined. While she mostly operates in the United States, Red Dagger continues to fight crime in Pakistan, where Ms. Marvel will occasionally visit him. They make the long-distance friendship work and for Kamala, it gives her a great sense of the bigger picture.

For a really long time Kamala Khan didn't reveal her secret to anyone. However, her best friend, Bruno Carrelli was the first to know. He helped to build her confidence and trust and was secretly in love with his friend for a time. He's crucial to her origin story.
He was such a huge help in hiding everything she did in her extracurricular escapades and was incredibly loyal. The TV show needs to portray that friendship and how healthy and caring it really is. Bruno grows a great deal just as Kamala continues to mature.

Sam Alexander is the much younger iteration of Nova and a future hero of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He's also a friend of Kamala Khan and has been a key member of the Champions for a number of years. He's one of the few that really questions her leadership while still respecting her.
Sam drives Kamala to be a better team member and forces her to think deeper about the decisions she's making. He is also a legacy hero and they share that burden together, but they can still make each other laugh. Nova would fit perfectly into the TV series considering the cosmic elements.

Riri Williams is another hero that represents the next generation of the Marvel Universe. She's bold, daring, intelligent, and completely ready to put her life on the line for innocent civilians. She's not too dissimilar to Kamala Khan in terms of personality which may be why they get on so well.
While they've had their ups and downs, as part of the Champions they have managed to secure a firm bond and have faced some incredible threats as partners. Once again, with Ironheart getting her own Disney+ show, perhaps some kind of link can be made between the series and Kamala's respective outing.

Comic book fans are well aware that there have been a few different love interests on the scene for Ms. Marvel. Kamran might just be one of the most notable though. A fellow superpowered vigilante, Kamran identified himself as a Nuhuman, sharing his own journey with Kamala.
It was never meant to be as it turned out that Kamran was actually working with a villain known as Lineage, becoming a part of his gang and kidnapping Kamala. That of course put an end to any kind of relationship and taught Kamala a lot about this dangerous world she operates in.

Michaela Miller was another student at Kamala's school but she was largely introduced as a love interest to Bruno. She helped to show Kamala what real love genuinely looked like though and the two friends bounced off of one another well. She's important to Bruno and therefore important to Ms. Marvel.
The character took their breakup pretty hard when Bruno would eventually move to Wakanda. This kind of teenage drama looks to be playing out in the series, but Kamala's world is fleshed out by these intriguing interactions and her support of her best friend's happiness.

Another high school student and one of Kamala's closest friends, Nakia is incredibly politically engaged and motivated, helping Kamala expand her own worldview. Their families are really close and the duo went to the same mosque as one another as well.
Her social activism is really a driving force in some of the comics and Bahadir becomes slowly more religious as time goes on. It creates an interesting discussion with Kamala who views her own faith quite differently, once again allowing her friend to build up her own perspective.

Zoe Zimmer begins life as the traditional school bully. She's the so-called popular girl who picks on anyone who might be a little bit different. She and Kamala clash early on, but this conflict helps to really showcase what kind of hero Ms. Marvel wants to be.
Zoe is actually the first student Kamala is forced to save, putting herself in danger even for someone who is as vile as Zoe. Zimmer starts to change herself and as the comic run develops she becomes a lot less prejudiced. It will be interesting to see if the series portrays this full journey.
Source: Screenrant
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