
10 Great British Bake Off Finalists Who Were Robbed Of The Win, According To Reddit

The Great British Bake-Off has seen something of a renaissance in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. This feel-good show allows its audience to switch off the bad news of the day and into a cozy world of tasty treats and positive people who care about each other, not just winning.

But as with all reality TV shows, Bake-Off is not without its share of controversies, and even a Hollywood handshake can't smooth over every crack. Every season there are contestants that many fans feel didn't get a fair shake, and they don't mind taking to Reddit to voice their opinions.

10 Brendan (Series 3)

Brendan went all the way to the final of series 3, but couldn't overcome John with his Heaven and Hell-themed chiffon cake showstopper. A retirement consultant, Brendan was the eldest contestant of series 3 at 63 years old, and won Star Baker twice.

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Redditor daniellediamond didn't mince words about Brendan not being named the winner:  "I may have felt a little disappointed with certain winners in the other seasons, but this one made me legit MAD!" She's not alone, as many Redditors felt Brendan's consistency and growth throughout the season made him the obvious winner of series 3.

9 Ruby (Series 4)

From one of the eldest finalists on the show to one of the youngest, Ruby was only 20 when she appeared on Bake-Off. Since her appearance on the series 4 final, Ruby Tandoh (not to be confused with series 9's Ruby Bhogal) has expanded her focus from baking to advocating for mental health, and has been very open about her own struggles in that regard.

Ruby's bakes were excellent, but her issues with self-confidence are what makes Redditor WhatsaGime sympathize with Ruby: "She was very talented, and I think it would have been a very hard thing for her to do this show (and deal with the many negative comments she got)". Her constant, immediate belief that she's done something wrong or made something awful is a sad backdrop for a talented baker who overcame a lot of mental demons to make the final. It was this endurance that should have put her over the top.

8 Richard (Series 5)

Richard, along with Nancy (owner of one of Bake-Off's cringiest moments) and Luis made up perhaps the most talented final in the history of Bake-Off. It's easy to make a case for any of the three, but it should also be noted Richard won Star Baker five times, including the quarter and semi-finals.

This is the issue that gives Redditor noiant the most angst, saying "He's won Star Baker the most out of the entire franchise too!!" Richard's consistent performance week-to-week put many fans in his camp, but the judges gave the edge to Nancy's recreation of the Moulin Rouge in the final. Richard serves as something of a cautionary tale to Bake-Off fans: the judges won't consider past performance unless they need a tie-breaker.

7 Tamal (Series 6)

Tamal came up against one of the most successful post-Bake-Off contestants in Nadiya Hussain, who is now a star in her own right. But Redditor Hermowninny-Lovegood cautions viewers not to forget about Tamal, who pushed hard in the final and came close to the ultimate prize.

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Tamal's ability as a baker was prodigious, but he also sticks in fans' minds because of his humor and easygoing manner. Simply quoting Tamal, Hermowninny says "This will be displayed in the window of a patisserie that's a bit down on its luck...". His kindness and skill are frequently mentioned as reasons he's a fan-favorite runner-up.

6 Andrew (Series 7)

Redditor hellomissnarwhal was short and sweet in expressing their opinion on who they felt was one of the most-robbed contestants on the show, simply stating "Andrew." 25-year-old Andrew Smyth is an aerospace engineer who won Star Baker twice, including the semi-finals.

Andrew's precision and attention to detail were the hallmarks of his bakes. It also meant that when he was missing these elements, it stood out more than normal. He closed strong as the series went along, and many fans thought him a more skilled baker than eventual winner Candice Brown.

5 Liam (Series 8)

Although he only made the quarter-final, Liam is one of the most frequently mentioned baker when the topic of final snubs is brought up. Only 19 at the time of his appearance on the show, Liam is currently a budding TV baker with a huge Instagram following.

Redditor carrionite's biscuits are still burnt over Liam's elimination after series 8's quarterfinal, writing "LIAM" in all caps to signify their disdain. He earned a Hollywood handshake and a turn as Star Baker as one of the youngest contestants ever on the show, and he showed excellent overall improvement considering he had to learn skills on the fly. His fans point to this improvement as well as his personality as reasons Liam should have continued.

4 Kim-Joy (Series 9)

Kim-Joy's affinity for Japanese culture and highly decorative bakes make her an incredibly memorable contestant, and she's parlayed her appearance on the show into a successful YouTube channel. Her two Star Baker awards matched the total of eventual winner Rahul, but many fans think she was the better baker in series 9.

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Kim-Joy stans are not shy about venting their feelings bluntly. As Redditor Rodents210 puts it, Kim-Joy's runner-up status "convinced me that the show’s judging is much more influenced by what makes for good drama than who performed the best". While that opinion is certainly subjective, it does highlight a flaw with all reality shows: the content may be unscripted, but it can be heavily edited to further any narrative the producers like.

3 Steph Blackwell (Series 10)

Though her sweet demeanor endeared her to the hearts of many fans, Steph's expert use of traditional flavors made her a formidable baker throughout series 10. She was Star Baker four times, including three weeks in a row, and was always one of the best bakers during her Bake-Off tenure.

Steph's case is a re-hash of a classic argument: consistency versus an individual week's excellence. Redditor NepEnut protests "David shouldn't have won in Season 10 - it should have gone to Steph. She was consistently good in all her bakes and was star baker like 4 times. " Other Redditors point out that Steph's performance in the final wasn't the best, and as before the judges usually don't take past performance into account.

2 Hermine (Series 11)

A semi-finalist in series 11, Hermine's French background helped her produce some of the most flavorful and spectacular bakes that year. Brought down by a disastrous show-stopper, her exit from Bake-Off still creates controversy amongst Redditors.

The Hermine vs Laura debate is summed up well by Redditor jamiedito1995, who points out that many fans felt Hermine's excellence and professionalism contrasted with Laura's difficulties in creating aesthetically pleasing bakes: "I just think Hermine had a level of professionalism to her that should have gotten her a place in the final over Laura." Hermine stans still contend her presence in the final would have given the series a very different outcome.

1 Jurgen (Series 12)

A German powerhouse of baking, Jurgen seemed destined to win it all in series 12. A three-time Star Baker, Jurgen's precise scientific methods and use of bold flavors made it all the more surprising when he was eliminated in the semifinal.

Though nicknamed "the Jurgenator" by Paul Hollywood, Jurgen's exacting style wasn't enough to overcome a semi-final showstopper that focused more on the centerpiece than the entremets called for by the brief. Redditor WestofEden5 insists "Giuseppe was my favorite from the beginning and I am happy he won and certainly think he was a deserved winner, but Juergen was definitely his strongest competitor (as much as I love Chrystelle and Chigs)."  It's undeniable that Jurgen's absence from the final made the ending much less suspenseful.

Next: 10 Unpopular Opinions About The Great British Bake Off, According To Reddit

Source: Screenrant