
The Flash's Perfect Ezra Miller Replacement Is Wonder Woman's Sidekick

Although Ezra Miller’s Barry Allen will be traveling through time and other universes in The Flash, the DCEU has an even more fitting multiversal traveler—Donna Troy, the sidekick and sister of Wonder Woman. Barry Allen’s fantastic powers of super speed come from his connection to the Speed Force, allowing him to travel across his timeline and into other timelines. In what will be a loose adaptation of Flashpoint, The Flash will have Barry prevent his mother’s murder and visit Earth-89, home of Michael Keaton’s version of Batman. Although Barry Allen can traverse the multiverse, the original Wonder Girl, Donna Troy, is a living conduit for the multiverse.

Donna Troy has a fascinatingly complicated origin in DC Comics, and she was originally intended to simply be Wonder Woman in her teen years. When the Teen Titans superhero team was created, Wonder Girl was accidentally depicted as being a separate character from Wonder Woman, and later issues would refer to her as Diana Prince’s younger sister, Donna Troy. Over the years, Donna Troy would have numerous origin stories, each one retconning its predecessors, but the fourth issue of DC Universe: The Return of Donna Troy made the cleverest and most definitive retcon to her true origin. Donna Troy is a living conduit for the multiverse itself, making all of her origin stories simultaneously canonical.

Related: DCEU Already Has A Way To Replace Ezra Miller As The Flash

Barry Allen’s multiverse-spanning adventures in The Flash will change the DCEU timeline, replacing Ben Affleck’s Batman with Michael Keaton’s and likely making other adjustments to the continuity as well. This aligns with the growing popularity of multiverse-centric storytelling in genre fiction, but with Ezra Miller’s recent controversies, the DCEU has another superhero who could easily take his place as the franchise’s resident multiverse traveler. If Wonder Woman 3 introduces Donna Troy as Wonder Girl, the DCEU will have a character with an intrinsic connection to the multiverse just as Barry Allen is connected to the Speed Force.

Wonder Woman 3 would be the perfect place to introduce Donna Troy to the DCEU mythos. Wonder Woman has an excellent supporting cast in DC Comics, and there are many interesting potential stories and character dynamics between Diana Prince and her sister-turned-sidekick. Wonder Woman 3 could initially have Donna Troy be another daughter of Hippolyta and Zeus, but gradually acknowledge her many other origins before finally revealing that she is an Amazonian-Olympian hybrid with a unique connection to the multiverse, making her extremely powerful and unique within the DCEU.

If Ezra Miller’s controversies lead to a reduced role for The Flash within the DCEU (or even Miller’s exit from the franchise), Donna Troy would be the best replacement, as her multiversal abilities would be even more direct than a speedster’s. Donna Troy could be the DCEU’s go-to character for crossovers, allowing her fellow heroes to visit other universes or interact with alternate versions of themselves, making her the DCEU’s answer to the MCU’s Doctor Strange in a sense. Ezra Miller may remain a prominent superhero in the DCEU after The Flash, but Wonder Woman 3 could set up his successor while giving Wonder Woman’s original sidekick her long-overdue cinematic debut.

Next: Wonder Woman 3 Should Introduce Wonder Girl To Fix A Sequel Problem

Source: Screenrant