
Instant Genius Podcast: Why people believe in ghosts, with Ben Alderson-Day

Instant Genius

Instant Genius is a bite-sized masterclass in podcast form. And in this episode, we’re investigating ghosts. Yes, really.

At our core, humans are deeply curious about the unknown – and ghostly spirits are no exception. From Hamlet to The Sixth Sense to Ghostbusters, the excitement or horror of encountering ghosts or spirits is ingrained in the human imagination. But for many people it’s very real: for people who feel someone’s presence who isn’t there, or see someone or something, or hear voices.

In this episode of Instant Genius, we spoke to psychologist Ben Alderson-Day ahead of the Cheltenham Science Festival about why some of us believe in ghosts, science mediums and psychological disorders, and what makes someone more likely to feel presences.

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