
Inspiring curious minds

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Advancing chemistry together

Much-loved British primatologist Jane Goodall said, “The scientific community thrives on collaboration and the exchange of ideas.” It is this principle of teamwork in science that has led to many great and significant developments.

The Royal Society of Chemistry’s membership community is a home for sharing knowledge and driving innovation. It has over 50,000 passionate members from across the world. All champions of the chemical profession, all united in progressing the chemical sciences and from all walks of life.

Membership encourages and inspires discovery.

At the RSC, all those with a passion for chemistry are welcome and there is a membership option to suit all. Affiliate membership offers those with a passion for chemistry to develop an interest into an impactful career in the sciences, while providing the opportunity to join and connect with a larger global community.

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Phoo graphic in pink and blue of Marcia Philbin
Marcia Philbin

Providing a home for your passion

Becoming a member of the RSC means that you will have access to a large and vibrant community. Working together, membership provides a support network for those with a passion for chemistry.

Dr Marcia Philbin is an RSC Fellow and CEO of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine. As a member for 30 years, Marcia says she immediately found a home at the RSC. “Joining was like a badge of honour,” she says, “To say you’re a member, it’s an honour, a privilege, and it’s something I wanted to be a part of.”

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Fraser Scott
Fraser Scott

What’s your inspiration?

As with many RSC members, Marcia’s inspiration to become part of the scientific community didn’t come from an expected source. Watching Lieutenant Uhura on Star Trek: The Original Series as a young girl ignited her desire to become a scientist. “To see somebody like Lieutenant Uhura, who wasn’t a maid or a criminal, but instead a very positive scientist in her own right,” Marica remembers. “That was just so inspiring to me.”

Former high-school teacher and current Chancellor’s Fellow at the University of Strathclyde, Dr Fraser Scott’s interest in chemistry was piqued by crime drama CSI. He joined the RSC in his first year at university and he’s since become involved with several committees. “I’ve met hundreds of people through being a member of committees and divisions,” he says. “Being involved more heavily in the running of the RSC has helped me to meet a lot of people that I wouldn’t have met otherwise. And the networking capabilities are really good in terms of career development.”

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Photo of Katty O'Brien-Quilty
Katty O’Brien-Quilty

Unlocking opportunities

“Membership is key to unlocking all the opportunities within chemistry,” says Katty O’Brien Quilty. Katty is a laboratory assistant and an RSC affiliate member. Since joining, she has gained professional status with support from the RSC. She was also the recipient of the RSC’s Chemical Sciences Apprentice of the Year award 2020.

As part of the support offered through RSC membership, members receive the latest knowledge via Chemistry World, and a variety of support tailored to your career aspirations. There are discounts on approved training courses and webinars with insights on making career choices, alongside a 1:1 career consultation service to access invaluable knowledge and experience.

As an RSC member, you’ll be able to access support and resources that will help you to thrive and progress, no matter your pathway.

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