
How Rogue One's Guardians of the Whills Are Different From Jedi

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story introduced the Guardians of the Whills to Star Wars canon lore, creating a new Force-using organization that’s quite different from the Jedi. Two heroes in Rogue One’s ensemble cast–Chirrut Îmwe and Baze Malbus–were members of the Guardians, though the latter lost his faith by the events of the movie. The Star Wars galaxy is vast, and although the Jedi and the Sith are the most famous and influential organizations to use the Force (or its dark side), the Guardians of the Whills set themselves apart and proved invaluable to the Rebellion.

The Force exists in all life, so technically, any being can learn to use it, given proper training (though some beings have a greater aptitude for it than others). The Force’s dark side, a corruption of its natural balance, can similarly be tapped into by anybody. Given its omnipresence, it’s not surprising that there are more Force-based religions than the Jedi and more dark side-using ones than the Sith in both continuities. The Kel Dor Baran Do Sages of Dorin protect their homeworld by using the Force to predict natural disasters. The marauding Knights of Ren and esoteric Nightsisters perceive and use the dark side in completely different ways than the Sith.

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On the Mid Rim world of Jedha, a planet with great historical significance to several Force-using religions, including the Jedi Order, there was a temple that housed Force-imbued Kyber crystals. As explained by Cassian Andor in Rogue One, the Guardians of the Whills exist to protect the Kyber temple. Like the Jedi, the Guardians use the Force for good, but the Jedi traveled across the galaxy, protecting innocent beings and maintaining peace. On the other hand, the Guardians remained on Jedha to protect the sacred Kyber temple, making them far smaller in scale and intention than the Jedi.

Jedi famously fight with Kyber crystal-powered lightsabers, but the traditional weapon of the Guardians are lightbows, which are extremely powerful bowcaster-like weapons. Chirrut Îmwe was an impeccable shot with his lightbow, but he also used a wooden staff that contained a Kyber crystal, making it powerful enough to shatter Stormtrooper armor, as shown on Jedha and Scarif. Guardians also seem to use the Force in far less advanced ways than the Jedi, with Chirrut using the Force to compensate for his blindness. Chirrut and Baze both seemed to use the Force to divert enemy fire on Scarif as well.

The relationship between the Jedi and the Guardians of the Whills has never been addressed, despite their shared faith in the Force. Considering the significance of the Holy City on Jedha and its Kyber temple to both religions, the two were likely on friendly, albeit potentially distant, terms. Chirrut was mistaken for a Jedi in Rogue One, but he and Malbus took no offense to the understandable similarity. In the novel Master & Apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi looks to a Guardian saying for wisdom, indicating what was likely mutual respect between the two religions.

As shown in Rogue One, the Guardians, tragically, failed to uphold their mission. The Empire came to Jedha to harvest Kyber crystals for the Death Star, and the Guardians lacked the strength to keep them at bay, becoming an insurgent group while the Empire cleared out the temple. When the temple was destroyed by the Death Star, most of the Guardians may have been wiped out, leaving only Chirrut and Baze (who was no longer officially a member of the religion). Both Chirrut and Baze died heroically to steal the Death Star plans during the Battle of Scarif in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, but they fought as bravely, and perhaps as effectively, as Jedi.

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Source: Screenrant