
Stranger Things 4's Terrifying Opening Changes How You See Eleven

Netflix has released the terrifying opening scene of Stranger Things season 4, which completely changes the background of Eleven’s character. In anticipation of Stranger Things season 4's debut on May 27, Netflix revealed the first eight minutes of Volume 1, which depicted a flashback to Hawkins Lab in 1979, as told from the perspective of Dr. Martin Brenner. The scene shows a bloody, horrific massacre of the doctors and other children being held at the lab, with Dr. Brenner walking into the Rainbow Room to see that the deadly event’s perpetrator was none other than an eight-year-old Eleven.

As teased by the cast and crew, Stranger Things season 4 is already proving itself to be the scariest season yet, with the opening massacre scene appearing to come straight from an ‘80s horror movie. The opening also delivered on the much-anticipated reveals of Eleven’s other siblings from Hawkins Lab, with Stranger Things giving a spotlight to Ten, who first sensed that something was wrong with Six. However, rather than depicting Eleven as bonded with the other children who were also being held against their wills as lab rats for governmental experiments, Stranger Things season 4’s opening presents a much more terrifying reality for the mystery of her siblings’ fates: Eleven brutally murdered them all.

Related: Stranger Things Theory: Season 4 Introduces A New 'Hawkins Lab

The question of why Eleven was the only child still at Hawkins Lab at the beginning of Stranger Things season 1 remained one of the series’ greatest mysteries, but this wasn’t the answer that was expected. Stranger Things season 4’s opening scene now makes Eleven more dangerous than ever before, suggesting Lucas was completely justified in being scared of her powers when they first met. Had Stranger Things’ young characters known that Eleven had brutally slain the lab’s staff and her fellow innocent siblings, they likely wouldn’t have been so quick to hide her out in Mike’s basement.

While Eleven is without her powers at the beginning of Stranger Things season 4, the series has now proven just how catastrophic her abilities can prove when not controlled. Stranger Things has already shown that her powers are extremely deadly to their foes, but Eleven has never been shown to slaughter innocents as she did in season 4’s opening scene. The most terrifying aspect of this revelation is that Stranger Things doesn’t give a reason why she did this, but no matter what the reason, the young children she murdered did not in any way deserve their fates. This also suggests that her lost sister, Eight (Kali), escaped Hawkins Lab long before the massacre, as she and Eleven finally meet up in Stranger Things season 2 to get revenge on the lab officials who sanctioned the experiments. Since Eight made no mention of Eleven murdering their fellow captive siblings, it seems the character has no knowledge of who truly carried out the massacre.

Although Stranger Things’ season 4 opener didn’t depict Eleven actively killing the children, it seems to be paralleling the prom massacre scene in Carrie, which saw the title character murder even more innocents than antagonists. Moving forward, Eleven will be seen as a much more dangerous and conflicted character than previously thought, as now audiences are aware of the terrifying extent of her homicidal past. The mystery of Stranger Things season 4's massacre at Hawkins Lab is now seemingly solved, but it changes the perception of Stranger Things' Eleven in terms of her origin.

Next: Stranger Things: Every Kid Experimented on by Hawkins Lab

Source: Screenrant